
1 year, 5 months ago












True Neutral




Brooding, strong, elegant. This feline creature is hellbent on creating nightmares for people to inhabit. She feeds off of peoples' fears, especially fear of the dark, twisted mind insistent that being in such a harsh dreamscape will help them become stronger in reality. Their shadows swallow up their victims, waking their minds up to their deepest fears in the dreamscape.

To find their victims, they simply search out those that appear to need help the most... Their struggles creating a sort of beacon for Myth to follow until they are found, examined, and tortured. It's unknown whether she does this out of genuine evil intentions or if her morals are simply gray. Regardless, it's probably best to avoid her at all possible, lest you become her next victim. Manipulating, cold-hearted, stricken. This creature's work is never done. It is not good enough, Lullaby! Let [REDACTED] come to me! Do not fight this superior method!


Shadows seem to follow this feline wherever she goes... A soft scent of a cold and dark winter's night surrounding the air around her. To those the scent brings comfort to, she thanks with a heavy heart.


LULLABY - Ex-boss - Myth used to work for Lullaby as a teen/young adult, but after a particularly rough event she stopped listening to him, instead acting on her own. She respects him, but not as much as she probably should.

BALLAD - Boss - This wolf is the only one that can boss her around, and even then, she follows unwillingly most of the time. It's unknown why they have such a strong connection, but Myth feels protective over Ballad, just about the only person she's actually protective over.

VIRTUE - Friend - Myth and Virtue get along well, though the two don't work together anymore. It's been seen that the two working together can have some disastrous consequences, so now the only time they tend to be around one another is on their down-time.

HOLLOW - Acquaintance - Myth finds Hollow weak and a bit pathetic. Regardless of that though, she does treat him with some respect, feeling for his situation.

MELODY - Inspiration - Despite Myth's cold attitude towards her, Melody has been nothing but kind to Myth. She tries her best to show Myth that there are better things in life, and Myth might just be starting to believe it... She's strangely kind to Melody, not wanting to upset her for unknown reasons.

MUTE - Friend - While not as close as Melody, Myth would still consider her and Mute to be on friendly terms. She's not exactly kind to him, but not unkind either; the two usually find themselves bickering friendly with one another on their off time, and work exceptionally well together so long as Mute takes the lead.

code by zodia

character image by vacantfields
aesthetic image by Pinterest