


6 years, 2 months ago


Transformers OC

Nickname: Chaser or Bee (because of colors)

Gender: Femme        Alt.: Dragon

Faction: Autobot        Residence: Nomadic

Program: Scout/FieldMedic

Internal coloring: Due to her fire she breaths is so hot it has permanently colored her mouth blue/white color

Nightchaser is known for her antics among the bots as a sparkling at her core, but she is also a skilled fighter. Her scouting skills and healing touch can also helpout in a pinch. Plus her ability of flight gives her an advantage over the bots on the ground. When the time arises she can get serious knowing that anything can change the corse of battle. Not much is known about her, she seemed to suddenly show up out of nowhere. No records of her in the system but after awhile she became part of the group. She is made of light weight armor so she could get in and out of situation and fights, her whole motive is to keep moving and never stop.

She wonders her way across Earth when she was approached by a strange bot, Protector Epsilon, he told her that it was his job to protect her and that he knew who she truly was. From there they wonder around planet Earth getting into all sorts of trouble.