Sūnan Mūney



1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Sūnān Lạrəl Myūne


/ˈsuː.naːn ˈlɔɹ.əl mjuː.ˈni/








For setting background and timeline of events, please read here!

Sūnan (sue-nan) was born in the capital city of the kingdom of Myūĕz (myues) with her parents Märĕl (mor-ell) and Zerly (zer-lee) and her older brother Thālĕo (thah-ley-oh). When Sūnan was 8, the king banished all worshippers of the deity Seräm (sir-ahm), whose domain covers knowledge, magic, and education, as an educated public was seen as a threat to the monarchy during a period of rising economic turmoil. Painting mages and, by extension, their deity as a scapegoat redirected the populace’s anger and killed two birds with one stone.

The resulting expulsion was quite violent and Sūnan’s father was killed in the process. Many Seräm worshipers located in the city capital formed a sort of flotilla centered around a nearby stretch of small islands to recuperate and plan what to do next. Myūĕzan soldiers enjoyed finding excuses to attack the group, often resulting in casualties such as Sūnan's older brother, Thālĕo. In an effort to avoid drowning in grief, Sūnan and Märĕl threw themselves into training to learn to defend themselves.

When she was 18, the previous king died, and his heir claimed the throne. The resulting awkwardness and growing pains of a new ruler seemed the perfect time to fight back, and after much deliberation Seräm’s rebellion began. The war lasted 7 years, and Märĕl, along with countless others, died in the fighting. The conflict finally came to a close when Sūnan, one of the rebellion’s most skilled fighters, managed to slay the new ruler and their guard, claiming the throne for herself.

Her advisors suggested she marry a noble to secure the support of the remaining noble lines. The nobles, not very happy with this entire situation, throw what they considered to be one of their weakest links into the lion's den- Ĕdärd, a sickly widower who exemplified none of the typical masculine traits noble society saw as appealing. Despite everything, the two grew to care for each other, and are quite happy with the whole arrangement. The pair have a healthy heir, Sybil.

Her design has changed a little over the years, notably her nose. The most accurate one is the roman nose.