
6 years, 6 months ago


Done with life. Severely depressed but he's kinda coping. Never sleeps because he's addicted to energy drinks. Redbull is his favorite and he never has to worry about his friends taking them because they all think it tastes like straight piss. He kinda quiet. He's just really grouchy all of the time so the most you get out of him a lot of the time is grumbles and glares. Likes drawing and mostly does cartoons digitally. Because he never sleeps anyways he's usually drawing in his free time. He gets Tennis Elbow a lot because of it. Can not speak to save his life. Jesus, help this man. Being sleep deprived doesn't help either. Constantly stumbles on his words and he's very prone to speaking in complete gibberish that no one can understand, but to him he's making perfect sense. If you can get passed that asshole exterior, he's a great guy to spend time with.

A Cancer an INFJ. Birthday is July 2nd.