Jai Tambol



Basic Info


Jaya "Jai" Kiran Tambol


/ˈd͡ʑɐ.jɐ "ˈd͡ʑaɪ" ki.ɾɐɳ tam.buːl/






For setting background and timeline of events, please read here!

Jai is a Yꜵrut (pronounced jɒɾɐt), a person who has learned to do magic. On the continent of The Muo, there are two different kinds of magic. One kind is deity magic, magic performed by the deities or gifted to people from the deities. Examples would be the wandering house of Braidꜵ or the fire powers Brədhjou gifted to their champion. This kind of magic is distrusted by the general public but overall accepted as the deities’ will. The other kind of magic is learned magic, which takes years of training to master. Learned magic is at best frowned upon by the general public, at worst outright illegal. This is in large part due to an orchestrated propaganda campaign led by King Ədain, the young leader of Eilña.

King Ədain demonized and dramatized the dangers of magic, which eventually led to the outlawing of it in several places. This was done because the deity of magic, Yūrꜵza (pronounced juːʁɒ.za), was also associated with knowledge. Yūrꜵza’s temples, which were hubs of education, were largely run by Yꜵruts. Demonizing magic meant the hubs of knowledge would be forced to close, which would make it easier for Ədain to exert his control.

Jai was born two years after magic was outlawed in Eilña, where their parents lived. As Yꜵruts themselves, they taught their child to do magic in secret. When Jai was 8 years old, the Lraught Rebellion began. The Lraught people, an ethnic group with a history that highly valued magic, had been banned from Eileil and forced to live on an island off the continent’s coast. While the rebellion was, ultimately, a good thing, the chaos meant Jai’s life got more complicated. Jai’s parents started helping out the rebellion effort, which meant their home became a spy outpost.

When Jai was 12, Eilñan forces raided their house. Their parents were killed destroying evidence, but they managed to escape, though wounded. Though they were forced to rely on the kindness of strangers to survive, they made sure to continue practicing their magic in secret whenever possible. At age 13, Yūrꜵza, running low on surviving active worshippers, reached out to Jai and asked if they would become their champion. Jai agreed.

For a time, Jai worked as a representative of Yūrꜵza, doing what they could to preserve texts and knowledge deemed illegal. Then, at 14, they were captured by Eilñan forces and held captive in King Ədain’s castle. The plan was to figure out what to do with them when the war was over- they couldn’t be treated like any other Yꜵrut, they were Yūrꜵza’s chosen, after all. Luckily for Jai the war didn’t end in their favor and a few months after their capture, Lraughtian forces led by Sūnan took over the castle.

In the chaos of the battle, Jai managed to escape their cell and booked it into Braich Forest, the uncivilized land outside the kingdom. They manage to avoid capture for a few months, but find themselves starving and very out of their element in the woods. Nicky | Moonie find them in a collapsed state on the verge of death and haul them into their wandering house. Having nowhere else to go, and still fearful of other people, they decide to stay with Nicky | Moonie full term. A few years down the line, Jai and Nicky start dating, very happy living a nomadic life.

Jai is more serious and reserved, hesitant around strangers but lets loose when they’re comfortable with someone. They maintain a strong interest in magic and are working hard on perfecting their skills further. Their bond with their deity, Yūrꜵza, has strained a little, but Nicky | Moonie is encouraging them to repair their relationship.

Jai's clothes are more mishmash than my other characters. I'm going to say its because they traveled around a lot and made their own clothes at times and not because I'm lazy.