Yue's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

guyu Global Rules


By adopting any of my designs, you agree to the following conditions:

  • You may post/repost the adoptable to your account, but credit to me must be included.
  • You may edit the design (e.g. hair/eye/skintone colour change, gender presentation change, outfit change, etc.) with my approval. I will not allow drastic changes where the edit no longer resembles the original design.
  • You may resell/voucher ONLY for the price originally paid unless it has additional value from art and commissions. You may trade/gift freely unless stated otherwise. If the design is obtained from trade, it can ONLY be traded/gifted.
  • You may NOT use any of my designs for NFTs or AI learning.
  • You may NOT use any of my designs for commercial use, unless otherwise agreed upon.

Any violations of the terms above will result in blacklisting.

For custom designs, I reserve the right to reuse + modify rejected designs (to be kept or sold at a later date).

Additionally, you do not have to follow any of the flavour text I include (if there is any). It is simply there for those who are interested.