


1 year, 5 months ago


Basic Info
Feb 5
6 f
Blood Type
Forever homed
  • Art
  • Animating
  • Flying
  • Being with her friends
  • Dead rats
  • Clowns
  • F.A.N.G.
  • Rapterian hate
  • Kitsune is larger than mostly everyone else because she's a rapterian.
  • Kitsune has a pet deer kitsune named Cookie.
  • Her favorite food is icecream and cookies.
  • She collects comic books and toys for fun.
Shy . Strong . Anger issues . Emotional

Shy: Kitsune is very shy, and usually has a soft voice. The main reason is because of how the government sees rapterians. People have always protested against rapterians, one of the reasons Rapterians hate the outside world. So she is shy around others hoping they don’t judge her for her species. But she’s an introvert, so when she’s not with her friends. She’s alone drawing or such. Her friends know her for a very soft voice. But just because she’s shy, doesn’t mean she’s not meaning to make friends or be kind to others. Strong: Kitsune feels like a different person when she puts on the mask. More confident, Forgetting she’s a shy person. She’s always the strong one of her friend group, Quiet, Yet strong and confident. She’s more brave and forgets about her problems and sadness most of the time when she teams up with her friends. Emotional and anger issues: Although she is a shy, kind, quiet person. Kitsune is extremely emotional. She would never show it to her friends. But she had many emotional breakdowns more than she would like to count. She tries her best to cope with trauma from her best and shove her frustrations to the side. But she’ll tell herself it’s fine, and she’s overreacting. Unhealthy and not okay, I know. She never lets her friends or anyone see this side of her, as she’s afraid for anyone to judge her. Or think she’s a freak. But one thing she can’t hide is her anger issues, her frustrations and emotions will control her. And sometimes she can’t hide the anger she feels in front of her friends.


Ember was the only child in her family to be born with wings and abilities. As a child, Ember was always happy and positive, Always ready to put up a fight and stand for what she thought was right. Ember is the oldest of her siblings, Hunter, Cupcake, Miko, Aponi. She takes care of them and watches them all the time. She was raised in Sakura and learned the rapterian culture, Each year she loved. The forest, The different seasons, The magic, Ember couldn’t ask for anything better. Years pass, and Ember is now 7. She never understood why. But her family moved away from Sakura to New York. It was hard to live in the city. Everyday someone glared or either snapped at her family. Ember’s dad got more and more aggressive from the stress the city caused, To the point Ember feared her own dad. Ember grew up with a lot of anxiety that she was never good enough. Her fear is to live her life in fear that all her hard work to make everyone see she was special amounted to nothing. She tried making her family see the bright side of New York even though she herself hated it. Just when she thought it couldn’t get worse. Ember started getting depression while growing up. Unintentionally, Her family made her feel like she wasn’t good enough and couldn't do anything right. Sometimes Ember felt like she was always cut off when talking, and never got to explain. Because her parents were afraid of Ember getting hurt by others, She was homeschooled, Which meant she didn’t ever make friends. Her mom and dad had many arguments and would sometimes talk about leaving the family and it made Ember fear that her family is falling apart. Ember felt so lonely, The only thing that comforted her was animation. She enjoyed making stories and lore and worlds. It gave her hope, But this happiness didn’t last. Ember started arguing with her mom and dad. Her dad got so stressed out that he called Ember an evil demon. Ember stood in silence. The one she tried so hard to make proud and happy called her the one thing she tried avoiding to be. That night, Ember packed her things. She couldn’t live like this anymore. Waking up to tears in her eyes and crying herself to sleep every night. And she couldn't explain her pain, fearing being judged for how she felt. Ember ran away, Being 16. It wasn’t easy finding a home of her own. But just when she was losing hope, She found an abandoned cabin in the forest near the city. But with Ember’s ability to make drawings. It was a piece of cake fixing the place up. One day Ember watches the news of Rapterian sightings, Reporters asking if they should allow them in the city just because of recent attacks from a rapterian outlaw gang called F.A.N.G.. It angered Ember. If they would give rapterians a chance, They would see they are nothing like they say. That's when Ember got the idea of becoming a hero. To help others and to show others how rapterians are, Something she always wanted. More than ever, She wanted to prove that she was anything but an “evil demon”. Ember created her own kitsune mask from one of her favorite cultures, Japanese. Kitsune used a mask to cover her face and used her abilities to make her patterns a bit different so no one recognized her. Kitsune became a loved hero after saving so many people from F.A.N.G. And defeating them every time they tried to cause havoc. Meanwhile her parents feel guilty for not seeing Ember’s pain sooner. Of course they knew Kitsune was Ember. But they never forced her to come back home, Because they cared about her happiness. Kitsune still received some backlash about being a rapterian. But it made her smile just seeing others believe in her and feel good enough. Something she didn’t feel for a long time. One day while patrolling the city. Kitsune heard some commotion in a back alley, Curiosity got the best of her and she went to go check it out. Kitsune caught four robbers attacking a small wolf she hadn’t recognized before. The wolf was injured and unconscious, And Kitsune couldn’t just leave her. Kitsune took care of the robbers and healed the wolf with her healing amulet. A family heirloom that could heal wounds by touching them. She later found out that the small wolf was Paint. A hero that everyone didn’t take seriously because her powers were to control paint. Kitsune realized she’s just like her. Misunderstood. Kitsune was the first to believe in Paint, And they developed a friendship that Kitsune would never think they would have. Paint’s positive personality and kindness made Kitsune feel something she hadn’t felt in years. Important. Paint introduced Kitsune to even more heroes, Finniquit, Morph, Star, Dawn, And Violet and Virus. Kitsune had loved her group and couldn’t imagine her life without them. But when it came to F.A.N.G. Kitsune didn’t want them to affect her friends and took all of the pressure by herself. And it became worse when F.A.N.G. Started capturing one of her little brothers, Hunter. When Paint helped Kitsune with F.A.N.G. Kitsune returned the favor by helping take down an evil organization called Argos. But Kitsune encountered F.A.N.G. Again, But before the leader Sun could do anything. Kitsune taps Sun with a stone called the insanity stone. This stone was very important to rapterians and was to be protected. It takes something from your past that has hurt or traumatized you, And makes you trapped in that moment inside your mind, Over and over again. And that’s what happened to Sun for months. But what Kitsune was aware of is that it was Sun’s plan all along. Before he was defeated, He gave Smoke a chip. Which was Kitsune’s identity. Sun knew Kitsune would be ruined if he framed Kitsune for a building that F.A.N.G. Exploded and revealed her identity. Smoke had no idea what the chip was and gave it to Rose. And with the help of Sun. Paint and Kitsune were patrolling when a big news screen was talking about kitsune. Kitsune watched in curiosity, But to her horror. It showed her identity. Her first and last name. Her family.. Everything.. Kitsune’s anxiety and trauma she tried so hard to get rid of came all flooding back at once. Paint tries comforting Kitsune saying it's okay. But it’s not okay, Nothing is okay. Kitsune was in so much panic she just flew away. Everyone called her names and called a “evil monster”. Kitsune landed on a building and just broke down crying. She tried so hard to feel good enough, And now all that hard work. Is gone in a heartbeat. Kitsune doesn’t know what to do anymore. But Kitsune sanity breaks. She realizes. If she can’t be the hero to everyone, She has no choice, But to be the villain. Kitsune became Paint's arch nemesis. Paint always tried talking her out of it. But Kitsune sanity breaks every day a little bit. But deep inside, She’s in so much pain. She no longer has control.

Cyn/Paint | Friend

Paint was Kitsune's first hero friend and the one Kitsune looked up to. They got along well despite being the exact opposites, however things changed when F.A.N.G. Revealed Kitsune's identity. They are now rivals. Kitsune trying to stay away while Paint tries to talk some sense into her.

They got along so well. Paint introduced Kitsune to Fennaquit. She let her into their friend group right away. They could always count on each other for fighting and trust in one another. This was until Kitsune's villain arc.

Griffin | Bofriend

Griffin is Kitsune's boyfriend and happiness, she loves him almost more than anything. After her villain arc, Griffin gave up a lot to support Kitsune and has stuck by her ever since.