Arturo Acosta



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Arturo Acosta
Nickname: Artie, Bear, Oso, Papa, Daddy, Dad
Age: 30 yrs
Sex: male
Gender: male
Natural Hair/Eye Color: dark brown
Species: human
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 243 lbs
Personality: Loving, caring, and overprotective towards those he trusts, mature, independant, anxious, (more tba)
Backstory: Oso was a pretty dumb kid. Not in the sense that he did poor in school. In fact, he excelled in his academics. However, he did end up making a lot of poor life choices. By 18 he ended up impregnating his current girlfriend. He stayed with her for a good year after the birth of his children before leaving because he didn't feel ready to become a father. The mother of his now twin sons Antonio and Miguel kept custody of the children and wouldn't let them see their father for years, thinking he would be a horrible influence on her children. At the time she wasn't wrong. Oso started sleeping around and dating a few other men and women off and on. He started to get into drugs and would go out drinking regularly. He took up smoking and was honestly ruining his young athletic body. By age 22 he ended up impregnating another woman. They weren't dating but he ended up breaking up with his current boyfriend to be with her. Oso decided to try and stop his bad habits so he could help the young mother take care of the child. She gave birth to Oso's daughter Monica. The mother of his daughter ended up being very physically and mentally abusive towards him and his baby girl which didn't help him in the slightest in stopping his bad habits. After breaking up with her and taking custody of the child over a court case he raised Monica. He started dating again pretty soon after taking custody, thinking Monica needed another parent especially at such a young age. A few of the people he dated during this period helped him a lot to stop the drug use and alcohol abuse. He started shaping up and maturing a lot at this point and after meeting another woman and settling down with her for a while he married. At age 25 she became pregnant with his youngest child Ruben. Over the course of his time being married to the woman and going to college he ended up landing a job as an IT tech guy at an electronics corporation. He worked far from home and worked long hours. Due to this the mother ended up having to quit her job and take care of the children. Oso didn't mind it since he felt confident that he could provide for the family with his paycheck in their small home. After a few years he started to notice that his wife would neglect the needs of his children, going so far as to not change her son's diaper when he cried. She would leave the house, leaving her young step-daughter and near-infant son unattended in the home to go out with friends. All of this, among other neglectful behavior prompted Oso to divorce his wife and demand for custody of his children. He won his now second court case and moved out with his kids to a rental home closer to his job. Now, closer to home he could come home and take care of his children better than he could before. He'd still have to hire babysitters during the day when he was at work but the fact that his kids were now of school-age helped a ton. Ruben will occasionally visit his mother on weekends but only on Oso's days off. He doesn't trust his ex-wife to take care of him properly. Reuben is a mommas boy though, and is too young to understand what happened to him. Due to this he blames his father for having to leave the mother. Monica is very overprotective of her father though. His two children tend to dislike anyone Oso tries to date nowadays and will often scare them away. Oso's twin sons who are now 12 will occasionally visit him now since he kept in contact with his children for so long and seemed to have matured a lot over the years.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic (preference for men)
Relationships: Dominic, (all his exes), Antonio, Miguel, Monica, Ruben (more tba)
After Dominic: Over the years Oso ended up putting on a lot of weight due to having an office job and being very depressed and anxious over all his past and current relationships. After Oso met Dominic at a local starbucks near his workplace he and the man hit it off and became really good friends. Dom would occasionally go out with Oso or come over to his house. Oso was afraid of Dom being scared off by his kids at first and would often hire a babysitter to take them out of the house when they spent time together. Eventually Dominic and Oso started dating which only increased the time they spent together. Dominic, being a very affectionate person, ended up coming over uninvited a few times. This lead him to discover Oso's children who did not take to Dominic lightly. His youngest Ruben disliked the man because he wasn't Ruben's mother. His daughter Monica was worried that Dominic would end up being a 'bad boy' and would make her father start his bad habits up again and end up like her mother all over again. Dom didn't mind the man's children and tried his best to gain their love and trust as if he were their parent himself. The children weren't having it... One day after hiring a new babysitter when his favorite one was busy Ruben got out in search of his mother. Monica, worried her brother would get hurt, rushed after him. She and Ruben ended up getting caught up between a gang war with the infamous Sand gang and their rival. After being captured by the rivals, Dom, who was just driving by on his motorbike, recognized the children and went after them. He only proved to be a distraction for the rivals. The children got away safely not knowing it was Dominic who saved them. After being lured in by one of the Sand gang's members they were watched over and kept safe. Monica told the member her father's work number and Oso left early to pick up his children. The events that followed were seeing Dominic get taken into custody on the news after being assumed as one of the gang members involved in the fight. Monica would try to convince her father that this proved Dom was a bad man. However, Oso wasn't having any of that. He ended up proving Dom innocent and bailed him out of his jail sentence. His daughter didn't believe what her father and his boyfriend were saying and kept her stance on how she felt. Eventually after quitting his part-time job and moving in with Oso to focus on his tattooist career, the children started to grow on him. After helping Oso's daughter at school and showing Ruben that he'd be a good parent the children loved the man and they ended up as a big happy family. Oso's twin sons who visit sometimes ended up being found out along the way and loved Dom from the start, thinking he was super cool. He tends to help out the boys when he can with their daily troubles in school and with their peers.
Other/Quirks: He's bilingual, his first language was spanish, he's also taught monica and ruben spanish and english, he's trying to quit smoking and refuses to smoke around his children (more tba)