


6 years, 3 months ago









Marital STA



40 yrs.











Untitled #13

Physical Description

      Medium athletic build, darkly skin, golden eyes, long golden hair (sensitive). Wears a mask with his                             body-suit to filter dust and debris, as his filters cannot be replaced, and if they are damaged, his system would          overheat and suffocate him. He can be seen wearing mostly black, because he loves the contrast of his hair.

Mental + Emotional

A very calm mannered person; he is often seen as level headed and responsible. While he plays this role well, he is a great manipulator. People tend to find him trustworthy which leaves them as open targets for him. At heart, he is a clever opportunist. He enjoys glory, adventure and most of all, riches. It's not easy to hurt his feelings. He knows what he is.
He struggles to express darker emotions. Feeling hurt is something he is unwilling to share for the most part. Not that it is so much a weakness as it is just complicated and the words don't come easily. People he's spoken to before have all responded differently and not knowing what to expect is a little scary. 
He is profoundly burdened by the idea that he is ultimately nothing and his soul does not exist because he is only a mirage put together by real people's souls. The only unique thing about him is his physical design; which was created by Dr. Barklay. There is nothing about him that Aman-Kaf himself created, except for his name.


Low and smooth, he rarely raises his voice. Speaks all languages that can be found online. 


Ability to access any knowledge that exists online; he uses this to translate any language he encounters and seem to speak it perfectly, make it seem like he knows what he's talking about on almost any subject, and replicate speech patterns, tones, read music and decipher code. He also uses it to do complex mathematics. Everything he knows belongs to the minds of others. He has adapted several different fighting styles over time. Most have been melee of some kind. He likes the grace of blades and was never fond of guns. Nowadays, he uses two short blades in close combat, but is really capable of wielding anything. His body is not compatible with any modern biotics.


Commander Eden Shepard - commander; he respects her for her efforts and sacrifices. There is little more there. It is enough.
Javik (Prothean) - best friend; the two have gotten very close.


Musaar is not a world at all, like Aman-Kaf lead Shepard and the rest of the Normandy to believe. It's a faction of humanoids who are entirely inorganic, made by Dr. Barklay when he served under Commander Conrad in The Insurgence. This lie would carry him far because no one outside of Vigil Space had heard of it and Dr. Barklay was completely uninvolved with Aman-Kaf's life at this point. While his lies about archaeology and science got him onto the Normandy by the grace of Liara T'soni and her Prothean counterpart, they would not be enough to hold him up forever. His knowledge of such things only extended as far as the internet could take him. He had no real degree or experience. He could just talk convincingly and on the spot.
As he harbored feelings for one of his crew members, he started to regret all the lies because he couldn't tell him about his true life and experiences. He had to keep playing this facade. Life had been strange and colorful once Barklay defected from service in The Insurgence and released his inorganic soldiers to the dark reaches of space. He found freedom in Omega for a time but this way years, and years ago. He has become an experienced criminal since. A well known one at that. Although he was know by a name unfamiliar to most of the Normady. He left that in the past to chase a more interesting and less violent life under Shepard's leadership. Now, it haunts him in the mirror as he decides what he should and shouldn't say to his would-be lover. 


40 years ago, The Insurgence was a completely different brigade of rebel fighters than it is today. Dr. Barklay himself was a completely different man. The inorganic lifeforms created under Project Barklay last for well over 30 years, and has been reignited recently due to the rediscovery of the Prothean gene. When Aman-Kaf was created, the universe he knew was in desperate shambles thanks to the Lumvithians of Mordis who were notoriously bitter and aggressive. Seeing so much violence, he's very desensitized to it. When he ultimately left The Insurgence as Dr. Barklay fell out with them, he began to see a less violent and interesting side to people and places. However, he has retained the belief that everyone and everything is an opportunity to benefit whatever situation he is in. Only in the past year has he thought he might be wrong.

Loyalty Mission

Aman-Kaf's loyalty mission dialogue can only be accessed if you persist mostly paragon decisions.
^ As his look on life is very impressionable still, you can make a difference by being a beacon of hope and determination, always choosing the high road. After the battle on the edge of the Cration Void, Aman-Kaf can be found on the Observation Deck. If you took him in your party, you discover he is injured but he refuses a doctor (if you did not, he's not injured but you gain disapproval, but he tries to be honest with you). If you make him see a doctor, he approves and asks several odd questions that lead to him telling the truth about who he is. He commits to you fully if you forgive him and choose to help him recover his beam-jumper from the Prince of Mordis. It is not a simple political task. You are an outsider. But he swears his life to you... Additionally, if you make him see a doctor, Dr. Andronus is alarmed but remains quiet and mends his wounds. He later approaches you with a request though. 
If you choose a renegade path, he loses respect for you and you cannot unlock his loyalty mission until you gain enough Paragon points. But this changes the course of history. You look like a lot of violent people he's already seen. You cease to be special. He leaves your crew and disappears into Vigil Space. You later encounter him among Commander Conrad's ranks on Vül, however if Javik is in your party, he refuses to fight you. You can barter with Conrad's sanity by convincing Aman-Kaf to talk to him. Depending on if you lean more Paragon or Renegade, this may or may not work. If Javik is not in your party, he fights you but can't kill you, so Conrad shoots him in the back. You can save him if you have enough Paragon points. He will rejoin your party if you do. 


Despite his fears, Aman-Kaf does have certain things that are personal and unique to him, He has lived a full life and curated an entire personality like any normal person.
His inorganic connection to the universe allows him a stronger perception of all of his senses. This has caused him to adore strong colors and heavy fragrances, to enjoy simple experiences to such an extent that it overflows and sometimes becomes overwhelming. Some of his favorite things are neon colors; especially green and yellow, and neon's darker counterparts as well...But mostly red.
He loves the scent of a forest heavy with rain. Which is why his first lie was that he came from a vastly forested world (that conveniently no longer exists). Kai Leng once made two cups of tea while he was distracted, and gave the other one to Aman-Kaf because he was standing nearby. He'd never tried Oolong tea before this moment. He found it delightful. He now asks Kai to make it for him all the time. Although annoyed, Kai strangely does it. He is friendly to Kai and sometimes reveals true things about himself to Kai because of this and because he knows Kai will say nothing.

"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?" - Douglas Adams

