


1 year, 4 months ago



People I don't like

01 — Profile

Name Lazarus
Nicknames Laz, Angel
Age 562
Gender Male (He/Him)
Height 6'8
Birthdate February 13
Race Divinimalia sapiens
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Keeper of limbo

Status Not for sale
Designer jinxdraws
Worth Priceless
  • Wings are greasy and un-preened

  • Hair is greasy too

  • Harness is leather and decorations are real gold

  • Grape earring is only on one ear

  • Lots of piercings

  • Very animal-like claws, teeth and tongue

  • Shoes are well polished, but shirt and pants are wrinkled and slightly dirty

02 — Personality

Lazarus is generally a cold, aloof man during his day to day life.

He's quite patient and despite spending so much time near people, he never really forms attachments to them. Although it's quite hard to tell he silently delights when karma strikes, and those who have annoyed him get what they deserved.

He despises touch and proximity with others unless he is the one to initiate it. He's controlling and likes to be in charge of whatever situation he's put in. Sometimes, when aggressive he tends to snap, loosing any dignified composure he has, choosing to lash out and throw insults like a petty drunk.

  • Bitter foods

  • His book of souls

  • Karma

  • Limbo

  • Dionysus

  • Alcohol

  • Addictive substances

  • Heaven and the hierarchy within

03 — Background

Part I

Lazarus had always been the keeper of limbo, and of heaven and hell. Ever since he formed that was his job, and he did it well. Or at least until more and more souls began showing up to his realm intoxicated and sick with lust. These were otherwise good people, but their addictions had cause their lives to spiral out of control.

A little unsettled, and saddened by the sight of all those souls, Lazarus began to search for the cause of this. He didn't have to look far, and quickly met the new god who was the source of the addictions; Dionysus.

Part II

Lazarus was furious by the audacity of this newcomer, and made his anger well known, but was quickly calmed down. Dionysus had such a way with his words that he managed to pacify him in less than 10 minutes. His strange, hypnotic aura had Lazarus hooked, and soon enough he too became part of the god's domain.

Part III

Lazarus's addiction grew worse and worse, leading to him slacking on his godly duties. Souls were funneled into limbo and soon enough the realm was overpopulated.

Hera and Hestia, the seraphims responsible for the upkeep of heaven were infuriated by this, and banished Lazarus, keeping him in his own realm until something was done. But Lazarus had friends in powerful places, and this was all his trigger happy allies needed to start a revolution, demanding he be reinstated.

Heaven was ripped apart, sending gods to earth and leaving the place in disarray, souls continuing to overflow into limbo.

Part IV

Lazarus's exile was lifted, but by then he preferred to remain in his limbo, only venturing out occasionally to see Dionysus or update himself about the state of heaven.

04 — Trivia

  • Lazarus's book is magic, infinite in its storage capabilities. It has an endless amount of pages of souls who died and continue to die

  • Only he can flip to the right page, anyone else who tries to do so will be flipping pages forever.

  • He doesn't need to eat food, but still does eat often for his own enjoyment

05 — Relationships

Best friends

Laplace met Lazarus when he first entered heaven, and since then their bond had only grown stronger.


Lazarus hates Dionysus for what he did to him, and how far he forced him to fall but he can hardly spend a day without him.


The god unsettles Lazarus, but he's a good person to know, and Lazarus appreciates that he put Dionysus in his place.