



Main Pic
Info Panel
Basic info _
Name Vespers
Race/species Grunt Hirlkemp hybrid
Gender Male he/them
Birthday 01/07
Sexuality Pansexual
Voice claimFlamingo
About _

Hello I'm Vespers!

I'm a run away experiment from the GoldenStream labs I'm also running from the A.A.H.W oh wait do you work for them....?


Music,his friends,being chaotic,causing arson,being random,sneaking into the freezer.


Being trapped,being called Subject,people thinking he's crazy,people hurting his friends.

Story _Past

Originally working for the A.A.H.W he was quiet bored at his job well that is until he witnessed a aftermath of one Hank's mass murders in one of the agencies he was oddly inspired to start killing and later on stole some melee weapons from random weapon racks his main weapon a katana he began his murders he slowly lost his sanity and humanity his kills turning more and more brutal to the point the bodies were unrecognizable or sperated in many many parts but one day Vespers was knocked out from a surprise attack from a worker at GoldenStream labs one of the Head guards and taken to be a experiment/subject falling into the class of Mal0 knowed as dangerous subjects Vespers hated being in a cell with a burning passion and hated it even more after the experiment was completed and he looked way different from his past look and Vespers had enough of the lab trying to make him this killing machine that works for the A.A.H.W on one day GoldenStream labs was raided many subjects were killed or injured some escaping some were terminated some lived Vespers escaped with some other subjects those being Steve,I5 and fluffy the team constantly hiding from GoldenStream labs workers to this day..

(Current day)

Vespers has later one gain some of his sanity and humanity back though he has been having these hallucinations wis Vespers say there real and not Hallucinations and some friends who comfort him when he's stressed which he calls the Obssever and the Narrator he's the only one who can see and hear them though but it isn't all easy going for Vespers  he being hunted down by GoldenStream labs and Subject 171 so he's constantly worried about his friends safety and fears if they get injured or even worst die trying to protect him.

Trivia _
  • Vespers brain cells is made of nanomachines which has created a phenomenon in which Vespers' brain cannot differentiate between reality and his own imagination, resulting in "hallucinations" during most of his conscious time.

  • Vespers is able to differentiate his imagination from reality by two things: his hallucinations, which consist of being in a void and seeing a being known to him as "The Observer", and this being his ability to recognize the sound of a recording of a voice which does not exist in reality; a voice that speaks in a specific way that has been named "the Narrator
  • shows an unusual resistance and immunity to damage, which is being studied in order to increase the quality of A.A.H.W.'s soldiers.
  • Has a very high resistance to any type of gas. Due to his nanomachines composition, gas simply phases right through subject's lungs without entering the pulmonary vein. Subject is, however, highly vulnerable to other methods of intoxication, such as alcohol.
  • Is immune to any diseases. This is due to his nanomachines composition, which allows his body to remove any abnormalities and corrupt files, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi.
  • Ability to regenerate at an incredibly quick pace, regardless of the wounds that may have caused him to lose limbs, organs or other similar parts..
  • .Has a habit of setting things on fire
  • He likes sleeping in the freezer

Design _
Design Trait Fluffy
Design Trait No eyes
Design Trait ears and tail
Design Trait horns
Design notes
  • Please don't draw him with eyes in his madness combat version but if drawing a human version of vespers go ahead
  • His tounge is forked and purple
  • Yes he can be drawned in a freezer
  • You may alter his clothes 
Relationships _
I5 (friends)

Despite Vespers ethier starting fights or annoying I5 they're good friends and I5 was the one who helped his grould/friends escape the lab. Vespers does have to sometimes stop I5 from murdering people and Vespers is kinda scared of I5.


Steve (Friends)

Vespers and Steve have a good friendship though Steve is kinda like a parent figure to Vespers kinda. Steve is the one who stops Vespers from lighting things on fire.


Fluffy (Neutral)

Vespers and Fluffy aren't really friends but are own good terms they don't really see each other often but they get along well.


HTML by Jade-Everstone // bg - wallpaper dog