


6 years, 6 months ago



Name Phoebe Li
Called Fee, Feebs, Fifi, Grace
Age 28
Height 175cm
Gender cis female
Sexual preference Bisexual
Species Human, magic girl
Title Accountant, office worker, magic girl; Autumn Grace


  • Reading, especially romance
  • Yoga, keeping in shape, gymnastics
  • Cartoons, anime, manga
  • Nature, being outdoors
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Phoebe is an independent woman, who moved out of her parents' home as soon as she was able. She never felt comfortable living with them, given her own sexuality and their strict views on things. As a result, she is rather distant from both her mother and father, visiting only during holidays. She loves them, but doesn't like to stay with them for long periods of time, as they judge her for not being married or having kids.

Another driving force in her determination to live alone, was her magic powers. As a magic girl, she had duties. Her parents ended up asking too many questions if she got home too late - questions she could not answer for fear of being taken to a psych ward. As it is now, she finds she struggles to balance her rigid work hours with her magical alter-ego, whose responsibilities she finds outweighs that of her work.

She is sweet, quiet and a bit nerdy. Very mature and responsible, seen as the mother-figure both among her friends as well as among her magic girl squad. Normally not fussy about her looks, although she tries to groom herself to look professional and mature, knowing that the social expectations on women are to look pretty. She always looks to please others, to the point where she often forgets herself a bit and stretches herself too thin. Yoga helps keep her in shape, keep her limber, and also de-stress after work or hectic missions. Her squad works against corruptive forces of nature, spirits and other things that influence mankind to harm the world.


Autumn Grace is what she is known as, and she is the patron of Autumn.

Phoebe used to do rhytmic gymnastics, some regular gymnastics as well as some ballet.

Is a bit dispassionate about her work, feeling like she is just a bee in the hive. Misses being more passionate about what she does

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Vivaldi - Autumn
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Her longterm boyfriend and love interest. He is also her favourite author, though they met rather coincidentally. They live separate, though visit each other frequently and stay over. It is not unheard of that she comes home to him after work, carrying a bag of groceries to cook for him.

Ísdís Úllasdottir

One of her team-mates. Despite how different they seem at first, the two get along greatly. Phoebe is among the few who can actually calm down and soothe Ísdís when she is really upset or angry. She is the patron of winter, known as Winter Glory (or just Glory) in their magic forms.

Kala Amai

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.

Kimora Okoya

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.
