Hikari (Fursona)



1 year, 8 months ago




Name Hikari
Class Cleric
Age 27
Gender Female
Race Cat
Role Sona
Alignment Neutral Good


  • Compassionate, Determined
  • Altruistic, Spiritual
  • Resilient, Intuitive


  • Hot Cocoa, Crystals, Fluffs
  • Books, Ribbons, Raak
  • Gothic Fashion, Pets

Fantasy Story

Hikari lived in a secluded village where dark magic and grim legends were deeply ingrained in the local culture. From birth, she exhibited extraordinary aptitude for light magic, a rare gift in a world where magical forces often carried mystery and danger. Her family, esteemed healers, raised her with care and admiration for her budding talents, yet they also harbored concerns about the lingering scars of the past that seemed to follow her everywhere she went.

One moonlit evening, while wandering through the forbidden forest, Hikari stumbled upon a forgotten altar dedicated to an ancient warlord known as Hikari Alter, once dubbed the Demon King. The altar was adorned with ancient runes and macabre symbols pulsating with a dark and oppressive energy. Upon touching the altar, Hikari was engulfed by a shadowy force, sensing a malevolent presence seizing her being.

Hikari Alter, a fallen spirit driven by vengeance and power, found in Hikari an ideal vessel to unleash his repressed fury. From that moment on, Hikari began manifesting sinister magical abilities: dancing shadows obedient to her commands, curses befalling those who crossed her path, and an intimidating aura that instilled terror in those daring to approach her.

Despite her efforts to resist Hikari Alter's influence, Hikari found herself trapped in a constant duality between light and darkness. She was both drawn to the forbidden powers bestowed by Hikari Alter and horrified by the consequences of her actions. Her community, now wary and fearful, kept her at arm's length, viewing her as a pariah or worse, a threat.

Desperate to sever the bond with Hikari Alter and reclaim her peaceful life, Hikari sought a way out. However, the more she struggled to break free, the more she realized their destinies were inexorably intertwined. She had to muster the inner strength and courage needed to master Hikari Alter's dark powers while endeavoring to make amends for the harm they had caused.


Healing Light

  • Hikari can channel radiant energy to heal wounds, cure ailments, and restore vitality to herself and others.


  • She has the ability to cleanse darkness and malevolent influences, purifying objects, places, or even spirits.

Luminous Shield

  • Hikari can create protective barriers of light that shield herself and her allies from physical and magical attacks.

Light Infusion

  • She can imbue objects or weapons with light energy, enhancing their effectiveness against creatures of darkness or empowering allies.

Divine Sight

  • Hikari possesses enhanced perception and the ability to see through illusions or detect hidden truths, guided by the purity of light.

Solar Flare

  • In moments of dire need, she can unleash a blinding burst of radiant energy, temporarily stunning enemies or creating a distraction.

Empathic Link

  • Hikari can establish empathic connections with others, sensing their emotions and providing comfort or guidance through her empathic abilities.

Path of Illumination

  • She can create paths or markings of light that guide and protect travelers in darkness or unfamiliar terrain.


  • As a master healer, Hikari has the potential to bring the recently deceased back to life, though this ability may come with great cost and sacrifice.

Celestial Blessing

  • Hikari can invoke blessings from celestial beings or spirits of light, granting temporary enhancements or boons to herself and her allies.


  • Birth of Light: Hikari was born during a rare celestial event known as the "Dawn's Embrace," where the first rays of the morning sun illuminated the village, marking her birth as an auspicious event.
  • Healing Legacy: She comes from a long line of revered healers, with her ancestors known for their mastery of light magic and their ability to bring solace and healing to those in need.
  • Spiritual Affinity: Hikari has a deep connection with nature spirits and celestial beings, often communing with them through rituals and meditative practices to enhance her light magic abilities.
  • Guardian of the Grove: In her youth, Hikari was entrusted with the care of a sacred grove within her village, where she learned to harness the natural energies of the environment to amplify her healing powers.
  • Lunar Ceremonies: She participates in ancient lunar ceremonies that align with the phases of the moon, drawing upon its mystical energies to empower her healing rituals and deepen her spiritual insights.
  • Artisan of Light: Hikari is also skilled in crafting talismans and artifacts infused with light magic, which are used by her community for protection and spiritual enhancement.
  • Inspirational Figure: Hikari is revered as an inspirational figure in her village, known for her compassionate nature, unwavering determination, and ability to bring hope to those who are suffering.
  • Celestial Markings: As a sign of her destined path, Hikari bears faint celestial markings on her skin, shimmering softly under the light of the moon and sun, symbolizing her connection to the heavens.
  • Quest for Balance: Despite her affinity for light magic, Hikari is constantly seeking to maintain balance within herself and the world around her, navigating the delicate line between mercy and justice in her healing practices.



Hikari Alter Coexistent

Hikari and Hikari Alter share a symbiotic bond where Hikari's innate light magic contrasts with Hikari Alter's dark influence. This relationship is marked by constant conflict as Hikari struggles to resist the malevolent urges of Hikari Alter, testing her morality and resolve. Despite their adversarial nature, they are mutually dependent, with Hikari drawing on dark power in times of need, while Hikari Alter seeks redemption through her purity. Their journey explores themes of balance and transformation as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined existence.

Dual Nature: Hikari and Hikari Alter share a symbiotic bond where they are intertwined spiritually and magically. Hikari, with her innate affinity for light magic, embodies purity and healing, while Hikari Alter, a dark and malevolent spirit, represents corruption and power.

Conflict and Temptation: Their relationship is marked by constant conflict as Hikari struggles to resist the malevolent influence of Hikari Alter. The spirit's dark impulses often tempt Hikari to use forbidden or dangerous magic, testing her resolve and morality.

Mutual Dependency: Despite their adversarial relationship, Hikari and Hikari Alter are dependent on each other in a precarious balance. Hikari draws strength from the spirit's potent magic in times of dire need, while Hikari Alter relies on Hikari's purity and light to anchor its existence.

Redemption and Redemption: Hikari sees a potential for redemption in Hikari Alter, believing that even the darkest spirits can be healed or purified. Conversely, Hikari Alter views Hikari as a conduit for its redemption, a chance to regain lost honor or achieve unfulfilled ambitions through her actions.

Balance and Harmony: Ultimately, their relationship explores the theme of balance and harmony between light and darkness. Hikari seeks to integrate and harmonize the conflicting energies within herself and Hikari Alter, striving towards a unified existence where both light and darkness coexist without overpowering each other.