Dorian's Comments

Hello! Would anyone from here interest you?

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hi! ahh your characters are so pretty and cute! but unfortunately i didnt see any id use :'D tysm for offering though!

hiya,, shot in the dark but does anyone in my th that doesnt have the dno tag interest u,, this guys so.. munchable so i had to offer 🫶 could do multiple to meet value too

hi! your characters are so cute! but unfortunately i wasn't able to spot any i think id be able to use :'D tysm for offering though! anyone in here thats not pending? I can also auth you if you dont see anyone when unauth'd

hi! i really love your characters but unfortunately i didnt see anyone id be able to use </3 tysm for offering though!

do u see anyone in my th? ^^ I also rlly liked atlas but they didn't have the trade tag so i'm unsure if theyre uft🚶‍♂️

hi! sorry for the late response! any offlims?

probably jun??

Is it possible to offer money?

Yeah feel free ^^

In this case, what is the minimum price?

Ah im not sure since i forgot about how much hes worth :'D

Omg, I'm embarrassed to offer until I know the cost xD

Ahh well the character without extra art is worth 55$ there is 13$ of commissioned art and i havent calculated the worth of the art i got from trds yet 

Bros beautiful

Ahhh you have so many pretty chars!! I love their designs sm! But sadly i dont see myself being able to use them :( tysm for offering though! ^^

Heyo! Does anyone here interest you? :D

Kitanta on Toyhouse

Hi! Your characters are really cute but unfortunately I dont see myself being able to use any of them :') 

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HELLO!! i seen this guy was for EO, id love to offer 3x nitro (€30) and any additional art of your choosing aslong as its reasonable!! (though hes a gem so id happily draw more,,)
apologies if this is long but i can also offer the €30s worth in primogems! (though i can only purchase ingame bc codashop doesnt have my bank payment ToT) + a welkin moon (€5) on top! so €35 total
or a character from here

Aaa tysm for ur interest! Im mainly looking for char trds for him though since im quite tent and there was noone in the link u sent that i would use more than him :'D thanks so much for ur msg though ^^

ahh thats alrighttt!! lmk if youre ever interested in the offer <3 im okay with bumping up the price pool too to €50! (still +art) thank you for your time

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OMGG AHH TY!! I love the stars too :'D The designer is so freaking talented!!

He's so pretty it's actually unfair omg--- I love him sm!! <333

AHH TYSM!! And ikrrr :'D im jellyyy

Awesome character, I love the clothes design, he looks so cool !! <3

OMG AHHH TYSM!!! I love the clothes too :'D