Tbn's Comments

im interested in both this guys and bees designs and unfortunately don't use DA anymore so i cant offer points :( but if anyone interest you from here https://toyhou.se/rhyno/characters/folder:553264 or here https://toyhou.se/INFAMARI/characters lmk i can also offer some art if that interests you :D

Hello hello! Sorry for my delayed reply, I’ve been busy with school work as of late. I am interested in your offer! Would you be willing to add some art (preferably a fullbody but totally fine with less) as well to trading this little fella:  https://toyhou.se/3498346.- ? This would be for both Zephyr & Bee ^^

i can do that! who would you like me to draw? also i transfer the little guy rn! :)

I got the little fella, thank you! Do you think you could draw this guy?  https://toyhou.se/21340466.melon#64423445 (let me know if you need a design that’s a little simpler ^_^)

yeah!!! id love to draw em their design is so cute!! :)

done! :D let me know if i should fix anything :)

Got it!! They look amazing, tysm! I’ll send over the characters right now :]

1 Replies