Nox of the silver dream - DND



1 year, 5 months ago








Dream Druid



TOES - Glass Animals

In Your Arms - Antent

Haunted (slowed n Reverb) - madebygoeds, Sedogy Bedam

Walla Walla - Glass Animals

Nox Full Spotify Playlist

Introduction · · ·

Nox of the silver dream. A satyr from a land far away. He specialises in the art of dreams and how to bring them among the waking world. His clothes are always well kept and clean if he can help it. Covered in gold and silver jewlry. Appearing with dark hair with a night sky shimmer. This is an illusion, when sleeping he appeares blond and more kind.


  • Sleeping until he wakes up naturally
  • Having his slow days getting high
  • Tea
  • Taking care of his plants

  • People with too much energy
  • Getting woken up
  • Feeling dependent on others
  • People who dont value sleep

Personality · · ·

At first glance Nox seems cold. He glances at new faces and doesn't engage unless he needs to. He is very private and closed up. But like an egg, he is fragile and has a soft core.

The ones that know him know he can be a trickster at times and holds grudges, but he is caring deep down even if he doesn't show it much. Does anything to save the ones he cares about

Dream Walker

Can let himself in others dreams if they consent. He knows a ritual to get people, who usually can't, visit dreams as well.

Shaky morals

If someone can't save themself they are not worth keeping around. He would rather save a nobleman.

Growing the plants

From a family known for their export, Nox grows his own hallucinogenic plants

Self care

Spends alot of time on his skin, hair and looks.

Stats · · ·









...Of The Silver Dream

- when another party member introduces him as just Nox

Trivia · · ·

Has an identical twin he pretends to hate
Killed a white dragon. he almost died
Thinks he is weak and therefore hates himself
Has a huge weight on his shoulders in the form of his Mothers expectations
Knows he will one day get married of to a noble for the familys sake
Dislikes animals and will refuse to turn into one unless its about life or death, despite being a druid

Backstory · · ·

Nox is one of three siblings. Their father a Bard and mother a Druid of the dreams. born in Sathal. A country dominated with a thick virgin forest. He grew up trained by his mother as well as blessed by the Elder of the village. Told that one of the siblings would take over as elder one day.

Growing up, His younger sister showed having dificulty with the way of the silver dream and fell into music as she gave up the tradition for what was important to her. She and Nox have always been at eatchothers throats. Her choosing bard made him disslike her more. Blaming his dad for it as well, Nox became dificult for his father as well. In their teens his brother changed. He turned to drugs and stoped thinking straight. Frustrated Nox accepted the fact that he is the only shot at keeping the tradition alive.

By eatch day, Getting love and praise from his mother for doing everything she says, His ego grew. Beliving he is above his other siblings and the rest of the extended family. soon the village. Keeping his head up as he grows.

Now around his 19th winter, He decides to tell his family that he has an urge for change. That he has built enough skill to keep contact at night in his dreams and wants to play with his life for a while before he comes back to take over the familys responsibilities. Well recived he was directed to a contact in snowfall. His travel was rough and long, but he had a whole flock of people with him which made the travel easier.


During the ride through the thick mountainous ice walls he met a halfling with copper ginger hair and goggles out of crystals. They shared watch and words during the trip. He mentions his family as he was secretly getting homesick.

Arriving was underwelming. It was different. the village was barely existant. the field of new people and tent was loud and overwelming. When asked to camp in the area he walked out. out amoung the trees until the yelling and hammering fell silent. In the middle of the woods. Like the moon guided him he set camt at a small medow. Like as if the trees walked aside for him. He whispers rhymes to the earth and grows himself living structures to hang his hides on. a week later he had a tent. Three weeks more and he had a thriving selection of herbs, a home, a camp and an area to work out the animals he hunts.

He periodicly shows up to the village to take small jobs for gold, and to trade gold for services. Mysterious he rarely comes out of his hiding spot in the woods. There is only one that scedules visits from time to time. The halfling.



The Face of the group.

Issi kinda fell for him very early on.


They drugged Jerry once. Chauriel is a bad influence, But Nox enjoys his company.


Shien wanders about. Looks lost in thought most of the time. Seems very soft in the way he talks. Tends to say single words at the time or very slow finishing a sentence one word at a time.

Nox tends to act like he dislikes his twin but deep down Shien is the most precious thing to Nox.


Balta followed their dads example and became a bard. She was put through the same training as the brothers but did not show much skill in dream casting.

Nox and Balta have always been at eatchothers necks.


Tamsa is a woman of order. Knowledgeable and calm. She choses her words wisely and has loyalty to the family like no other. Huge pride and a somewhat oversized ego. Has been training Nox daily since he was a toddler. Nox feels a huge weight to reatch up to her expectations.


Gelt is a loud happy man, pround of his family and easy going. Loves music, hums when he is doing chores. Loving and caring. Smothers his children with hugs and russles their hair. Nox seems to be the only one disliking it. .

code by 00Ishikawa00