Basic Info


The golden ruins




I - The Magician
(  A i r   E l e m e n t  )magician.png?width=591&height=663

General Information
Working all day recording and experimenting with new combinations of elements, the magician is one of if not the most curious monsters in all of the lands. He lives within the ruins of the mysterious Golden ruins, a domain thought to have belonged to the 4 missing monsters as its the one place within the land that has all the major elements compiled into one place and making his hobby a lot more easier to do.

The FoolThe Best of friends!!!!Absolutely adores whenever his friend comes to visit him, they're such a delight to be around! Would ditch his current project if ever the fool appears with something new and shiny. The magician didn't even think twice when the fool asked him for help in dealing with the child he just found.

The relationship that the Magician has with the Fool is like this
The High PriestessOn friendly termsThe High priestess is somewhat displeased by him opting to procrastinate with his friend, the fool whenever he's reached slump in his experiments. She still urges him to push through the slump he finds himself in.
The Hermit
Has only heard of themThe magician has only heard of the hermit in passing with his conversations with the high priestess. She often brough up her concern over her friend who had once went into a journey to find themselves have now ended up isolated and a lonely old monster. She wishes to introduce the magician to them one day to help ease their friend back into being with people again.

> Is able to store elements and other things inside small convenient and manageable balls that he can use later on.
> Can summon a small gust of strong wind that could help it
> I have forgotten what the use of the trident was but id be damned if I didn't add that back in! It's really cool!!!! its totally optional to draw it