
1 year, 8 months ago








Stubborn, unwilling


Bôa - Duvet



Roxy is someone who doesn't tend to fool around in most situations, being rather hot-headed and easy to anger. It takes a lot more than a few conversations to gain her trust, or even her friendship. Not many have been able to see her softer side due to her pure stubborness. This attitude from her tends to scare others away, as it's seen as rather pointless to attempt any sort of compremises with someone like her.

Having her trust broken multiple times throughout her life, she has trouble making any sort of connections with those around her, usually keeping to herself. She can get physical rather quickly in just about any situation, not thinking much about the consequences of her actions. She has lots of confidence in her abilities, having a far easier time in comabt when she plans out her attacks and moves. However, despite this, she can be easily thrown down with ease when unexpected things occur, or if she's simply not prepared.










Roxy always does her absolute best to get her way in just about any situation, stopping at nothing to have the outcome go into her favor. When on the job, she never allows her target to get away no matter what, and will go to extreme lengths to get the kill. She despises those who play mind games and treat her like a puppet, using her strength to take over just about any situation. She always believes she has the upper-hand over most others, using multiple tactics to win over any situation she finds herself in. She tends to forget to treat herself sometimes, taking her job too seriously most times and is always striving to do better as to not end up like before.



75.5 lbs.


Bright pink

Light pink with dark pink streaks
Twin-tail hairstyle




  • Her hair can be combined together
  • She is always wearing her gloves no matter what outfit!
  • Her single tooth can be on either side


Early Life

Roxanne was born into what is considered the largest Tinkaton clan in Paldea, but was immedately separated from her biological parents due to the strict rules of the clan. She never got to experience what one would consider a "normal" childhood, being trained for combat only days after hatching. As other Tinkatinks and Tinkatuffs grew stronger by the day, Roxanne struggled to pick up on the basics and even had a difficult time using a weapon. After it was realized that she may not be worthy of being a clan member, she was promptly kicked out at a young age, unable to return and was left to fend for herself. She had nothing to defend herself with, as she was constantly attacked by wild Pokemon and had to live out in the harsh environment that was the Paldea region. She feared humans, being told tales of how much harm they've caused, unable to have any form of trust or sympathy for them. However, while looking for food in a bamboo forest, a group of Pawniard and Bisharp attacked to claim their prey, the poor, defenseless Tinkatink was saved by an incoming Corviknight. Once discovering she was all alone, the steel bird decided to take her in as his own, promising to raise her to be what she was meant to become. He had gifted her a small hammer, appearing to be made from blue and yellow steel with two small blades on the sides. Roxanne would accept this and use it as an opportunity to learn how to build many things.

Her Turning Point

Being adopted by her natural enemy felt conflicting, but right at the same time. Roxanne completely ignored that fact and loved this Corviknight as if he was her biological father. Throughout the years he helped train her, and got to watch as she evolved into a Tinkatuff, feeling proud of the daughter he was able to raise. It felt as if nothing could get between the two, however another attack was set to come. As Roxanne was searching for food and materials in the same forest where she was found, a much larger opponent approached; a looming Kingambit with an army of Pawniard and Bisharp. She felt as if she could take on these Pokemon, able to faint most of the Pawniard but had eventually tripped up and was on the verge of losing. Right before being slashed, a large wing blocked the blade and down came the Corviknight with a new scar on his wing. He helped fight off these new opponents, until suddenly feeling a long, sharp blade slice right through his steel chest and into his heart. His body fell limp as Roxanne attempted to wake him, but watched as the one remaining Pokemon laughed and proudly walked away. She could do nothing to bring the bird back to life, sitting hopelessly for days on end grieving. She was unable to fight, eat, or even move away, as his body decayed overtime. The one thing she took before inevitably leaving was the top part of his skull, keeping it as a sort of reminder of who made her who she was today.

When Trust Breaks

It took several years for Roxanne to fully recover form that day, fending for herself rather easily but unable to mentally allow herself to evolve. She wasn't able to show the Corviknight how much she's truly grown and learned from him, and found it useless to train as hard as before. Her next encounter with a Pokemon would be strange; a Galarian Linoone who almost immediately grew on her and asked for a date. She wasn't sure whether to accept, but truly needed any form of support, so she reluctantly said yes and considered him a friend for a long while. What she failed to realize was his manipulation tactics, using her for many things such as money, pleasure, and protection. Roxanne was unable to realize this, as she relied so heavily on him for validation and felt too attatched to even consider leaving. One day while returning from gathering supplies, she found the Linoone with another Pokemon romantically, and called him out for cheating. He refused to accept it however, lashing out and laughing in her face before leaving with his new date, calling her a "tool" and getting physically violent. After the failed confrontation, Roxanne didn't take the betrayal well and felt a hint of anger inside, as if it needed to be let out somehow. A simple training session wouldn't fix this; she needed to get her revenge. She couldn't help but feel the need to get back at the Linoone for getting her hopes up and using her for his own gain, crafting a brand new blade from a leftover Bisharp blade and letting all of her pent up anger out on him and his new date. She couldn't help but enjoy this feeling, finally getting her revenge on someone who wronged her and betrayed her trust. Roxanne felt almost no remorse or regret after buring the two bodies, having a new found lust for ending those who have wronged her, or anyone who never once deserved it.

A New Beginning?

Now going by Roxy to avoid dealing with the past trauma of her full name, she finds herself living with little to no regret after previous events. After awhile of hiding away in Paldea to avoid any sort of consequences, she's suddenly approached by a strange looking Pokemon who had only heard of her actions. They were not there to punish her, rather offering a sort of job to her; an assassin that goes after wanted outlaws, or so they say. She was still blinded by the hatred she felt for her ex lover, and with little hesitation agreed and signed a very strict and dangerous contract. She was taken in by this Pokemon and quickly settled into her new life, taking those out who have done any sort of wrong in the world. She felt a sense of justice in doing what felt like Arceus' work, getting revenge on all of these outlaws and bandits. Roxy continued this work as a Tinkatuff, which was quite impressive for the work environment she was in with much larger and more powerful Pokemon. While on a job one day, she was tasked to take out a strange looking Pokemon; a fusion. They were considered to be the "oddballs" of Pokemon, as they weren't quite natural and was a rare occurance with breeding. Once beginning to approach this target, she noticed it was a rather small Pokemon, which looked more like an Eevee with a few Rockruff features. At first she was confused as to why this innocent looking Pokemon was on such a list, but knew she had a job to do regardless. Right before striking with her hammer, she managed to trip over a rock stuck into the ground and fell face first only a few feet away from the small Pokemon. He was startled and turned to see the poor Tinkatuff who fell, assisting her and lifted her body off the ground. She couldn't help but accept his help and noticed he wasn't as hostile as she thought he'd be, even asking for her name. She hesitated but told him, "...Roxy, it's Roxy..." The fusion seemed more happy than anything, proudly proclaiming himself to be Aziz. Roxy was too conflicted at the moment; this supposed "savage" target was being friendly, which was strange for someone like her. Afetr some more hesitation, she accepted his friendship and chose to ignore the bounty placed on him.

Evolving Together

Both new found friends would spend most of their days together, Roxy feeling a very close bond with Aziz. She always feared of him turning his back on her or even killing her, the bounty still lingering in the back of her mind. She truly wasn't sure whether he was someone she could stay friends with, but as more and more time passed, she couldn't help but have strong feelings towards the fusion. Even if he didn't know it, Roxy couldn't go a day without thinking about him and how compassionate he was towards her, but she didn't know if it felt right. It was up until Aziz asked how she truly felt being friends with someone like him; a fused Pokemon. Roxy couldn't help but admit everything about how she felt, panicking throughout out of fear he would reject her. There was no need to worry, however, as Aziz proclaimed he felt the same toward her, finally finding someone who accepted him not only for his looks, but his personality and habits. She had felt all sorts of stress fall off her shoulders, as she was more than happy he had accepted her, as she did him. After exchanging a simple hug, Aziz had evolved into a Sylveon and Lycanroc fusion as a symbol of pure happiness, and this couldn't excite Roxy more. Ever since then, the two had stuck together, and eventually Aziz would help Roxy with her own training, motivating her enough to finally become a strong Tinkaton with new and improved weapons she crafted. She continues her job as an assassin, but privately as to not frighten Aziz. She had lied about losing the target to her job, which was rather uncommon, but knew it would inevitably come up once more in the future. For now, she sticks by Aziz's side and keeps her unfortunate job a big secret.


  • Roxy owns two self-made weapons; a hammer made from a shiny Kingambit she defeated, and a sword made from Skarmory metal and Salamence scales.
  • She resents other Tinkaton who kill Corviknight, making an attempt to stop most.
  • Sometimes she will cut her hair short for several reasons; work-related, getting too long, or simply to look better.
  • She is terrible with technology, and is especially awful at video games. She can only somewhat operate a cell phone.
  • She is friendly rivals with Rad and enjoys getting into fights with her.


Aziz [ Married ]

Aziz is someone who Roxy met during early adulthood, sticking by his side ever since they both confessed. He enjoys teasing her from time to time to get a reaction out of her, but means well and doesn't go too far with the jokes. He's always there to be a sort of therapist for her problems and gives her advice that usually helps her in the long run. Ever since asking for her hand in marriage, he's never regretted being with Roxy, and vise versa.

Name Here [ relationship ]

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Name Here [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.