


1 year, 5 months ago




Name & Title 

Regor, the Direwolf's Fangs


Venator (Finisher)


25 Moons 

Gender + Pronouns 




Fur Color 

Black and white smoke

Eye Color 

Dark Mulberry

Fur Type 

Thick, long and rough

Scars + Details 

Scars over his Left eye and forehead
Large scars from antlers on his side

Small Desc. 

An Unusually large black and white smokey cat, with Dark mulberry colored eyes.


Lawful Good 


(+) Valiant, (=) Quick-tempered,  (-) Impulsive

Regor is at heart a good dude, he wants the best for everyone, and can even somewhat see past the negative sides of others. He’s the type who’d sacrifice themselves, not because someone would deserve it but because it's a reflex and poor impulse control. He throws himself into anything really if there's even just 1% of survival. Danger, antlers, claws and teeth, ravines, anything in the name of defense, protection or exploration.
Having a kind heart doesn’t prevent him from acting out however, just that he’s not doing the things he does on purpose most of the time. He’s quick to anger and easy to annoy. But he’s also quick to recover from these moods when it's the right cat trying to cheer him up.
He’s quite confident, very outwardly too and could sometimes come across as him being stuck-up, but he isn’t really aware of it.

Quirks / Random Trivia 

> Often becomes tired after being very angry.
> Often unusually exhausted after big hunts.
> Takes a lot of quick naps. Favors naps over full nights of sleep anyways.
> Understands his siblings' dislike for him, but it still pains him. He never stopped caring about them though.
> Hates the mold he's been made with, but at the same time wants to prove his worth in the area he's been molded for. Often torn between the two, which frustrates him a lot.
> Tried to blame the stars for a long time, and he did for a while. But couldn’t follow through in the end. The stars only did what they were asked of after all.
> Wears his scars as trophies. 

Previous Names: Gamma Velorum, is his birth name, He disliked being named something similar to his mother so now he goes by the alternative name of the star instead.

(Admin Note) Gamma Velorum is a quadruple star of the constellation Vela (the Sails). Regor is Gamma Velorum's informal name.


Born in the Primordials.

Born as the brunt of a litter of 3. His parents, Delta Velorum and Avior played favorites, blatantly favoring him. Even going as far as to name him similarly to his mother. As an impressionable innocent kit he liked the attention, but as he grew older he came to despise it as he saw how it hurt his siblings. In Spite of his future dislike for their favoritism, the relationship with his siblings never improved and remained distant.
A few days after becoming a Venator disciple, He overheard the maga telling his parents that it’s unfortunately very possible Gamma’s life would be shorter than the average lifespan. His parents easily dismissed it. He didn’t believe it at first, besides why would he, his parents didn't seem to believe it either. Half a moon later he overheard a frighteningly similar conversation happening between his parents and the Astri.
He pretends he’s never heard either conversation. However, he’s never really been able to ignore it completely in the end.

As a disciple everything went too well, He took well to the pack, and improved at a frighteningly fast rate. Half way through his training his parents would shower him even more with love and praise, while at the same time praising themselves for creating him. They did so often in multiple ways, but he never thought more of it, just rolling his eyes.

After becoming a fully fledged Venator finisher the first roadblocks would appear. He noticed he was feeling more and more exhausted after hunts, more so then his fellow packmates, and would have bouts of fatigue. It started slow, a few occasions to raise his eyebrows at, but easily ignored.
He also didn’t care much about it, denying the exhaustion and just telling himself it was because of the raw strength he put out. He’d just have to learn to manage his output.
Then after a paw-full of moons, it became something to power through when the fatigue came at the wrong moments. And then another pawfull he started needing naps during the day. But all was good as long as he took them. He could do anything anyone else could, he just needed more rest. Again blaming it on poor output management.  
When his mother started to notice his fatigue however she started to criticize him. More and more until it twisted into berating. He’s never been good at holding his temper, so a full blown fight was soon to follow. In Delta’s fury she told him about how she made him who he is today, the sacrifices she made to make sure He’d be the perfect Venator. Of Course he had to keep on pushing. After the fight he left with more answers then he wanted or expected..
Apparently his parents prayed to the stars, dedicated their souls to religion and sacrificed anything they could for the perfect litter. With strength and power. A puppet for murder and war.
He connected the dots soon enough, realizing his short life span, his exhaustion/fatigue and his short fuse he never quite could get a handle on, where likely the negative after effects of his parents “blessing” meddling.

His hate for himself, his parents, his upbringing and anyone who allowed it was at an all-time high for a good while after that fight. He didn’t even last a whole day of ruminating in his own misery before he officially got his name changed to the alternative name of his star, Regor.

Additional Details 

Theme songs:
> Creature by Half Alive:
> Ancient dreams in a modern land by Marina and the diamonds :
> Savages by Marina and the diamonds:
> (cw: faint flashing and Chromatic Aberration) Bones by Imagine dragons:  
> Natural by Imagine dragons : 


-Dame: Delta Velorum

-Sire: Avior

-Siblings: (tba), (tba) (OPEN)