


6 years, 3 months ago



Hibiki Nakane








Marital STA






Hibiki Nakane.

28 yrs.





140 lbs.


Tokyo, Japan.


CEO of Tek Inc.

Aisaka Nakane (mother).

Tokyo Drifting- Glass Animals.
"You know that I get it, I'm on it, I'm in it
If you try and take it, the clip get extended
I'm back on my bullshit, like Jordan on Pippen
If this is my life then I'm Tokyo drifting."

Physical Description

   Black hair, black eyes (formerly; pastel purple eyes), skin is more pale than is average, NO freckle or moles (cannot be exposed to sunlight), cubic zirconia tongue piercing, thin athletic body build. 

   Fashion  consists of a lot pastel purples, whites, and blacks. He loves hoodies, over-sized shirts, and                         various subcultures of J-fashion.

Mental + Emotional

Hibiki is a very lonely individual, despite how many fiends he may seems to have. He constantly feels like an outcast. He has the tendency to lash out at the people he cares for and though he always regrets it later, it's something he struggles with a lot. He's been severely hurt in his life and it shows. Previously; Hibiki couldn't stand the thought of killing anyone, but nowadays, after what he's been through, he is willing to kill if necessary. But he's no monster, and still abides by a "just" moral code. 


With some pretty sub-par social skills, he seldom speaks in a friendly tone to strangers. He has a very aloof and defensive manner of speaking. But when he's around people he's comfortable with, he's very friendly and even bubbly at times. He's also capable of speaking good English, but he has a strong accent.


Unlike many of his peers and enemies, Hibiki doesn't possess any supernatural or superhuman abilities. Aside from the side effects of exposure to Distant Heaven (a healing aura). In fact, he's at a disadvantage when it comes to powers. However, there is no lack of skill. A talented self taught engineer, Hibiki built all of his own weapons and equipment from parts stolen from Nahtaivel and the Yakuza. He is also a self taught fighter to a degree, but had some additional training from a few professionals. His skill in martial arts is largely unmatched in Tokyo. He's also an excellent marksman. 


Daisuke Ishikura- former best friend/ally; the two have a rocky past, and trust doesn't come easy again once it's broken. But Hibiki still cares about him, and though they aren't as close as they used to be, they're still friends. 
Kiyoshi Hoga- nuisance; Kiyoshi is growing into the position of a younger brother; a symbol of hope for other vigilantes who've lost themselves in similar endeavors. Hibiki aims to protect him but knows that it's not wholly possible. 
Momoko Tanaka- unrequited love; though a relationship between them was never going to work and Momoko didn't feel the same, Hibiki will always have feelings for them. But they respect each other, and are great friends to this day.
Remy Lebeau- good friend, arguably; though they've clashed with each other a lot over each other's decisions, Remy is the only person that knows Hibiki better than his mother. They've had some pretty brutal verbal fights, however the love wasn't erased with it. Hibiki is insecure about their friendship, but they would die for each other if it came to that. 


Hibiki was born in Tokyo to Aisaka Nakane, a single mother, disowned by her family for her beliefs. Life was difficult from the get go. Hibiki was born with a severe and strange form of Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP). Totally incapable of being exposed to the sunlight, he was deathly allergic. And it came with a horrible immune system and plenty of pain. Aisaka could only work as a baby sitter, with a petty criminal record. The city was expensive, and caring for such a sick child with such a rare disease was hard. He required many trips to the hospital throughout his youth. Resulting in an outstanding debt. However, as Hibiki grew into his teens, his XP flared up less and he required only yearly checkups with his doctor. Though he was not cured, and still could not go into the sunlight, this made things easier on Aisaka. But Hibiki had no friends. He was extraordinarily lonely. And he felt responsible for his mother's unhappiness, though she made it clear to him many times, that "love made it worth it." He felt like a burden. Hibiki was a spiral of depression and hopelessness. He fell into his drug habits, and was always either high or drunk. He was arrested on several occasions for possession of illegal substances and public disturbances, but as a minor, he got off pretty easy. He carried these habits up until his 19th birthday, where Aisaka had to convince him to stop. She hated to see him hurt himself in the same ways she had hurt herself when she was his age. It was like looking in a mirror. It gave him a moment of clarity that was strong enough for him to seek help, and he went through a period of recovery. Soon after he returned home, he moved out of his mother's place and got his own apartment across town. He continued his usual nightlife, this time without drugs and alcohol. He found comfort in the noise of the city. It was on one of his nightly escapades that he reunited with his long time friend: Daisuke Ishikura. A street rat that had been around the block just as much or more as Hibiki had. Their friendship was old but on and off. This time, Daisuke had a girlfriend that he would introduce as Momoko Tanaka
In the meantime, Hibiki was feeling inadequate in many ways. Things how they were just didn't cut it anymore. Life was boring. Staying away from his old habits was proving difficult. He was desperate for something more. When he caught wind of what was going on in local hospitals through the whispers of the city at night, he would understand that something terrifying was undertaking Tokyo. Soon he would engineer the reputation of his call sign "夕暮れ" (Yūgure) which meant Dusk.

After desperately searching to take down the underground organization "Nahtaivel" for months and months, Hibiki found himself in deep water. Willing to sacrifice his personal safety over the guilt he carried for being a "bad person," he wanted nothing more than to take down the empire of criminal on-goings that was hurting so many people. But he was one man, and Nahtaivel was many. However sneaky Hibiki was, he could never seem to capture the head of the serpent: 'Mr. N.' He ended up being captured himself, and tortured so cruelly, that the exact memories escape him save for in flashbacks and dreams. He filled with hate. His mind clouded and fogged over by the thought of killing the serpentine man. His face pinned to every corner of his thought. Sanity left him for a time, and he fell into a crushing depression. Which caused him to miss the chance to kill Mr. N and to take down Nahtaivel, which was instead done by his friend Remy Lebeau, and the doctor, Ciel King. He grieves this mistake. Wishing he could have been strong enough to do what he set out to. He is on the journey of struggling to cope with his failures.
Present Day: A lot has happened in the past couple of years. While Mr. N. is still alive out there. New problems have surfaced as well as new success for Hibiki. With a growing tech company based in Tokyo and Night City, CA; Hibiki was able to fund hospitals out of debt to the White Coats and his own attempts to take down Nahtaivel. As well as a personal bodyguard, Goro, who would become his closest companion. Nahtaivel has been quiet for a long time, running from Yūgure-- they've grown brave again in their attempts to rekindle business in the Tokyo underground, as well as the United States. With little substantial evidence to prove so, Hibiki believes former Dr. Akira Minami to be behind the recent disappearances in Night City. But no one is looking at CyberLife.


Hibiki hasn't put any effort toward following any religion, and the subject is void in his mind. He grew up without a father, and his mother was a delinquent; subsequently becoming one himself. Hibiki taught himself to follow a strict moral code; by which he would honor, respect and never hurt anyone. But such rules are seldom followed to perfection. Much less adequacy in his eyes. While he has hurt and even killed people, it was always for the right reasons. A part of him has died as a result. Including the romanticism he once held onto tightly. However, he still follows many of the traditional structures of his culture. He is a patriot in quick defense of his country and their beliefs. Even if he doesn't believe in all of them. 

Loyalty Mission




"Will you remember that I existed-- and that I stood next to you here like this?" -Haruki Murakami
