[TSF] Whiteheart



1 year, 8 months ago


Character used in rp group: The Starless Fjords

18 Moons
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Trans Tom
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay


+  ||  Caring  ||  Friendly  ||  Empathetic  || +
o  ||  Curious  ||  Approachable  ||  Idealistic  || o
-  ||  Doormat  ||  Hesitant  ||  Guilt-Ridden ||  -

Whiteheart is kind and sweet, a friendly cat ready to meet and chat with anyone and everyone! He loves company, loves talking with others, loves learning and discovering things and is willing and open to talking to any cat, even those from other clans, with an easy, open acceptance. This attitude gives him a lot of opportunity to be tricked, taken-advantage of, or used as a sounding board but the Tom’s able to shrug it off, often saying that he’d rather the actions against him be repeated then be mean for no reason.

Following the journey a heavy weight is now resting on his shoulders with his brother’s death. Whiteheart feels guilty for his survival where Braveclaw didn’t unsure how he’s supposed to move on from the death and how he can prove to the clan that he can match up to the strong figure his brother left behind. Though he doesn’t know where to start, often leading him to stumbling over actions and looking to others in his clan for guidance. 


  • Gossiping - loves having time to talk to/interact with those around him
  • Evening - evening is the best time of day as that’s when everyone’s coming back to camp and it’s a perfect time to chat/groom/see how everyone’s doing


  • Getting his fur wet
  • Getting yelled at


  • Is firmly set in the gossip pool of Shadowclan. Will gossip with the other cats at any given chance


Kithood (0-6 moons)

  • Born Whitekit alongside his three siblings; Bravekit, Dustkit, and Duskkit, to Ashfang and Cloudstride
    • Ashfang and Cloudstride were thrilled to finally have kits together and the two cats dotted on their litter of four with Ashfang visiting them in the Nursery often
  • One day during a supervised trip out of the Nursery to give the kits a chance to move around and get their energy out Whitekit notices that Dustkit and Duskkit are missing
    • Cloudstride quickly notices the two kits absence too and Whitekit and Bravekit are quickly ushered back into the Nursery with one of the other queens while Cloudstride goes to look for them.
    • The two wait, unsure of what’s going on and nervous that their mother and siblings are still absent
    • Ashfang, worried at the threes continued absence, follows after Cloudstride with another warrior.
    • They come back with a living Duskkit, and a dead Cloudstride and Dustkit
      • Whitekit doesn’t understand what it means, doesn’t understand why their mother and sibling won’t wake up, why his dad is so sad, why Duskkit won’t play the way she used to
  • Ashfang is left to raise the three kits with the help of other queens in the Nursery
    • Whitekit enjoys having his father around more! It's nice to spend time with him and he's sure his siblings agree!
    • But Ashfang doesn't stay with them very long, too wrapped up in his grief and overwhelmed with suddenly looking after kits on his own
      • He leaves their care with the Nursery queens for the most part, though he still makes a point to visit the three when he can.

Apprentice-hood /The Dams are Built(6-12 moons)

  • Was made an apprentice, Whitepaw, along with his remaining siblings, Bravepaw and Duskpaw, and was given to Mudsplash to mentor
    • She’s so amazing! She’s kind and sweet and Whitepaw loves being her apprentice!
    • His siblings are a bit confused over how excited he is, Duskpaw and Bravepaw with their own, much younger and more active mentors, look at him with confusion but he hardly notices
  • The Dams were built and the lake territories started to deteriorate
  • Whitepaw makes friend with a cat in his clan named Barkpaw
    • Barkpaw is a fun friend! Whitepaw appreciates how he tries to make everyone around him smile
  • Training is hard due to the lake’s deteriorating, prey is scarce, the territories are drying up
    • Whitepaw enjoys hunting, it’s something he tries really hard at!
      • With his white pelt he’s a bit obvious but he still makes a lot of progress! Mudsplash helps him learn as much as she can and keeps his spirits up when the territory’s deterioration makes it too difficult
    • Fighting he doesn’t quite enjoy as much, his siblings are much better at it than he is
      • He doesn’t like fighting, it makes him nervous and uncomfortable
      • Mudsplash is understanding thankfully, treating him gently and encouraging him to learn to defend himself even if he didn’t enjoy fighting
        • Self-defence is a vital thing for a warrior to learn afterall!
  • Sickness spreads from Skyclan and into the other clans
    • Thankfully no one in his family falls ill which Whitepaw is relieved over
      • Not everyone in the clan is so lucky.
  • He does the best he can to help the clan, focusing on his training and helping out so that he’s not a burden to the clan.
  • He tries to take as much comfort as he can in the fact his family and friends aren’t sick, trying to keep both his and their spirits up
  • At a gathering five prophecy cats come forwards and tell of a new home for them all as decreed by Starclan.
  • Whitepaw worries about the upcoming journey, worrying about leaving the lakes, worries about the health and well-being of his loved ones, worries quite a bit over everything coming up.

Warriorhood/The Journey to the Fjords

  • Is named Whiteheart before the journey to the Fjords begins
    • His siblings are named Braveclaw and Duskstalk at the same time
    • He and his siblings get their vigil but none of them get much chance to settle into being warriors before the clans leave the lake territories
  • Whiteheart is both relieved and concerned that Mudsplash joins them on the journey
    • His former mentor is getting older, she’s not a young cat, he worries that the journey will take too much out of her
    • He tries to keep close to her on the journey when he can, supporting and helping her where he can 
  • 2 Moons into the journey Ashfang dies in a rockslide
    • Whiteheart finds himself flagging after his father’s death, looking to his sibling’s more for guidance and support, Braveclaw more than Duskstalk
      • He loves Duskstalk but she’s… not the most emotionally available
  • Following Ashfang’s death he starts to talk more with another cat in his clan Hollowwhisper
    • He’s so nice! So kind and understanding! Whiteheart loves to talk to him! He offers such a nice shoulder to talk to.
      • Whiteheart gets so much advice from him about talking to his siblings and handling Ashfang’s death
      • It’s very appreciated
  • 5 Moons into the journey Braveclaw died due to a mixture of exhaustion, illness and hunger
    • Whiteheart finds himself crumbling in grief after his brother’s death, blaming himself and falling into despair over his absence
    • He struggles the last month, he and Duskstalk leaning on each other heavily as they continue on with their clan
  • The clans arrive to the Fjords and start to settle into their new territories

Chapter One

  • Is settling into the new territories, doing his next not to think about Ashfang’s and Braveclaw’s deaths
  • His friend Barkrose has been… different since they arrived at the Fjords