Hark Morningtide



8 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Hark Morningtide




grey asexual, grey aromantic


January 29th


off the coast of Burma

Current Home

Atlanta, Georiga


slave (former)




Whence (son), Skein (daughter)



[  intelligent  ||  melancholy  ||  penitent || spiritual || damaged  ]

Hark grew up in the Bay of Bengal, off the coast of Burma, which was colonized by Britain at the time. His family was British, but he really picked up on Burmese culture, including Buddhism. However, during World War II, when Japanese soldiers invaded the country, the British administration in Burma fell and his parents were killed in the fighting. Trying to fend for himself, he was captured in the net of Thai pirate fishermen. They put a chain around his throat as a child, which, as an adult, is now embedded in his neck. He has spent almost his whole life working as their slave, being forced to help them illegally catch huge amounts of fish which they then sold to make a profit. Through him, they became rich and successful, and he knew in his heart he would never be allowed freedom. Because of the bits of Buddhist culture he has picked up, most of which he doesn't truthfully understand, he is so full of guilt over helping them that he doesn't believe he deserves freedom. He has since been freed from his slavery, thanks to a sharkdog named Loudon working with an abolitionist group. Loudon met him on accident one night while on vacation in Thailand, and his whole life changed. While he had once been a big party kid, he was deeply traumatized witnessing slavery right under his nose. Now he has taken Hark in with him, and treats him with love and devotion. Loudon's freedom has not brought him happiness, since he thinks his karma is so bad that he is more terrified of death than he is of those who own and abuse him. 

However, living with Loudon has brought him more happiness than he believes he deserves. The birth of his children has felt surreal. He struggles with understanding how he is receiving so many blessings in life when he feels he is unworthy of them. Being a parent, in his eyes, was his whole reason for being. 

  • clear night skies
  • fresh fruit and vegetables
  • the color gold (it reminds him of home in Burma)
  • occasionally being left alone to his own thoughts
  • while he dislikes physical contact, Loudon's gentility with him is something he appreciates 
Hark dislikes far too many things to even begin to list them.

His life, the world, and other people are generally a disappointment for him.



 Loudon - Loudon was on vacation in Thailand when he ventured too far off the jungle path and ended up meeting Hark by surprise. At first, he was completely infuriated by Hark's glum attitude, but that was until he learned that Hark was a slave. Loudon became consumed with fascination over Hark and slavery as a whole. When he went back home to Atlanta, Georgia - a city in the United States of America - he began researching trafficking and slavery. He became an abolitionist, spending all of his time and much of his friends money to try and help other slaves like Hark. Loudon was adamant about rescuing Hark, even when Hark didn't feel like being saved, and essentially kidnapped him from his owners. Instead of being grateful, Hark was just furious and terrified of his own karma. He hates Loudon's stubbornness, the fact that Loudon feels he can make decisions for him, the fact that Loudon has such an extroverted and bold personality. But Loudon is also capable of such extreme kindness and love that Hark is startled by it. Loudon tries very hard to show Hark the normal life he had been missing out on. Despite that Hark is somewhat incapable of showing and feeling the deep, passionate love that Loudon craves, he does feel strongly for his mate and feels bonded with him. 
➥ Whence - Whence is Hark's firstborn, and his existence brings Hark wonder and awe. The whole pregnancy, Hark was a wreck, convinced that something would be wrong with the baby, or that the baby would be taken from him, in exchange for his karma. But from the beginning, Whence was healthy and strong. Whence has grown up to be quiet and introspective, like Hark, but he lacks the traumas that have made Hark miserable, and so instead he has blossomed into an intelligent, peaceful soul. They are very close, and Hark sometimes fears he sees too much of himself in his son. 
Skein - Skein is a lot more like her other father Loudon than she is like Hark, but this is a relief for Hark. Whereas sometimes Hark worries about Whence and wonders if he is happy, he can see that Skein is energetic and vibrant. He does not doubt her happiness in life, to the point that sometimes when she is unhappy he fails to notice it. Of the two siblings, Skein is definitely the one that seems to better understand the traumas and suffering that Hark experienced. 
Jontae - Jontae, Loudon's best friend, was an integral part of Hark's rescue, but despite that the two are not friends at all. Jontae is extremely jealous that he has lost his best friend. He feels like Loudon isn't even the same person since meeting Hark. He feels alone and forgotten, although he would never dream of admitting that to anyone, and instead he takes it out by being rather cold towards Hark, and encouraging Hark to feel negatively about himself and Loudon in hopes that it will encourage him to leave. Hark finds Jontae to be cruel but also idiotic, spoiled, and close-minded. 
➥ Gamble - Gamble was pulled aboard the fishing ship as a young child. Despite the abuse from the pirate fishermen, he was never without hope and optimism. He was the first in a very long time to show Hark kindness and affection. Hark helped him escape, but refused to escape with him. Gamble feels like he owes Hark his life, and as an adult he devoted a lot of time to try and free him alongside Loudon. Hark sees Gamble as a unique candle burning and casting light in a world of dark souls. Gamble is the godfather to both of Hark and Loudon's children, something Jontae is more than a little jealous about. Hark tries to encourage both Whence and Skein to befriend Gamble's sons.