TBN's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

MistaRollo Global Rules

My designs shall not be used for hateful or gross reasons. This includes queerphobia, ableism, proship, etc.. If I catch you doing this, the design will belong to me again and you will be blocked and blacklisted.

They must also not be sold for higher than they are worth. However, they can be sold for much higher if they have added art via commissions and such.

And lastly, do not delete any designs I have created or given away. I have just found this out and it bothers me a lot. If you no longer want them, please just give them away or give them back to me rather than delete their profile. If they have been privatized, however, I would like to be authorized as I keep track of my designs.

If anything has not been mentioned here and you have questions or concerns, feel free to reach me out via pm/dm !!

(Updated on Mar. 6, 2023)