


1 year, 5 months ago


wip profile what ever

Jude Taylor / he/they / 27 / Desi

- Extraction Team's Captain

- Patron Abnormality is Judgement Bird

- 5'5

- Never sleeps. Only passes out

- Very/Overly serious about his job

- Hates anything being a mess or untidy

- Chainsmoker

Jude is much too serious about his job. He has a fair bit of trauma and PTSD from it, of course, as working with The Horrors will do that to a guy. He likes things to be done properly and handled as they are "supposed" to be by the manual. He struggles at valuing his own life, only seeing it as how well he can do his job to be most important.

Had his leg ripped off by (CENSORED). Really, Really hates that thing.

While he can be a little strict when it comes to how he expects others to perform at their jobs, he is generally very kind and sweet. He doesn't like fighting his coworkers, nor does he like having to suppress them should things get out of hand. Very reluctant to use violence at all (though will if no other option is available to him.)

He is Erel's ex. He has a fair bit of sympathy for the man. While he would not date him again, he acknowledges that he still loves him in some ways. They were once absolutely lovestruck with each other before Erel's "accident", and a very happy couple.

A little bit in love with a dilf called Yui. Dont worrya bout it