


1 year, 5 months ago


If the only way to fight fire is with fire, make the whole land burn. In due time, it will all be reborn from its ashes.

Name Malachite
Pronouns he/him
S.O. asexual heteromantic
Age 45
height 6'3
Sign aries
Species arcane construct
occupation magic hunter
Alignment lawful neutral
The Oh Hellos - Rose

Malachite is a human turned arcane construct that swore to defend his home and anything adjacent from everything magic, even coming at the sacrifice of his own body... and his humanity. He was the general of a pretty important army of magic hunters, a natural leader and a pretty stern and cold soldier. He has a deep love for humanity but shows no respect for its magic touched cousins, killing them often with no mercy and with no regard to their situation and excuses, especially during the massacres. After the magic wars pretty much ended (with most magic users either dead or hiding) he took a child under his wing, and relinquished his spot on the army, instead focusing in a new calmer life for him and especially his daughter, who he came to care about very much in the years following. Still, he continues to be on the look out for anything magic, to make sure nothing like the magic wars and the events prior ever happen again; and he isn't afraid to use violence to stop it, especially when it comes to protecting his daughter.


Lone wolf
the emperor
ENTJ (commando)

He is very stern and cold when things need to be serious, doing anything that needs to be done in order to win whatever fight is up next, even if it means hurting somebody's feeling or even having to sacrifice himself or others, everything for the greater good. He is very logical and calculative too, especially when it comes to battles, he is never going to let intuition or gut feelings take over, because that in most occasions means great loss, for everybody involved. Despite all this, he can be extremely affectionate and above all, protective for those he loves. This becomes abundantly clear with his daughter, who he will show his love for always, and will never let harm come her way, even if it means breaking the whole world apart.

Quirks: sometimes some of his words will get tangled up and become incomprehensible, talking as a magic construct can be difficult; he will stop suddenly on field trips to scan the area Habits: checking all possible places before going to rest, not using a lot of expression in his voice, thoroughly checking his food before eating
  • small animals
  • jewelry
  • children
  • big towns
  • magic
  • small spaces
  • big, open fields
  • bright lights

  • losing his daughter
  • death of humanity
  • magic temples
  • betrayals
  • playing piano (had to abandon it after becoming a construct)
  • baking (with help)


  • His transformation into a construct was an intended one, not a result of a curse. He chose this because it is extremely hard for magic to act againts metal, especially once it is bound into a sentient being. He used left-over magic from raids and a little bit of torture to magic users to be able to achieve this.
  • His daughter was one of the many orphans left behind after the village sacrifices by the magic religious groups. Due to the high ammount of magic used in that occasion, her body twisted and transformed as if it was the result of a curse. She is what is considered a "cursed one", a being twisted by a magic that isn't a magic user and has never channeled magic by themselves.
  • He still has a few "subordinates" under his wing, left over soldiers from the army that are still very much loyal to him and will answer to him if the time to attack again comes.