


1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info








Open marriage


Archon of the Durmand Priory, Krewe leader, Highly Skilled Chronomancer


Standing at a modest 2'11", Mesira is a slightly chubby, black-haired Asura. With orange eyes, black lips, and a grey skin dotted by darker splotches around her body. She's got freckles around her face, collar, chest, and hips.

She keeps her long hair in buns, otherwise reaching down beside her hips. The style is held in place by two magenta ribbons, as well as a set of chopsticks in each.

Her ears are of medium length, being a little thicker than average as a result. Fitted on the bottom of her right ear, sits her ornate wedding ring, as she is married to fellow Priory Mesmer, Lyalah, whom she has been great friends with, ever since they were both mere progeny.

Born and raised in Metrica Province, Mesira is the daughter of a middle class merchant/researcher couple, who still reside in the area to this day. She, meanwhile, has a modest house on the cliffsides facing Rata Sum, with a beautiful view of the bay, and the city itself.

She works for the Durmand Priory as an Archon-level researcher, while also being the leader of her Krewe, which too supports the Priory with Archon-level experiments. As a result, their lab is hidden around the swamps of southwestern Sparkfly Fen, dug out inside a small peak on the coast. Its entrance is hidden, by use of Mesmer tricks, and natural cave systems in the area, making it almost impossible for someone to stumble upon it by chance.

Despite having both a krewe, house, and wife to spend time with, Mesira finds herself with quite a decent amount of free time. Even if a fair chunk of it is spent on things related to her job, it'd be quite easy to find her mulling about the Eastern capital cities, as well as Rata Sum, searching for things that pique her interests, as well as rumors of unusual or interesting nature.