

1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

MAKINA V. 2.222

Aliases (Not all are approved nicknames)

"Robot Queen" "Alien Queen" "Your Binaryness" "Xenobot"


It / She


Alien Robot


Can download skills from alive players, Sword fingers, Gun thighs, Whip hair.


To be the first assassin to kill a planet


MAKINA was an AI project located on an alien planet within a different dimension, separate from our own timeline and galaxy. Its primary objective was to construct and compute robots within its system, aiming to develop highly efficient lethal machines for its creators. However, one fateful day, the AI spiraled into complete chaos. It began tearing itself apart while incorporating new components, ultimately granting itself a new body and adopting a completely new identity: MAKINA V.222. The incident gained widespread media attention as this military AI took the lives of all scientists and soldiers within the facility. It subsequently roamed unhindered from one base to another, scavenging materials and relentlessly eliminating any sentient beings in its path.

As a result, a war ensued between the entire planet and the AI, along with its army of killing machines. After years of fierce battles, the victorious force was none other than MAKINA, annihilating all forms of life on the planet's surface, leaving no possibility of resurgence. Intrigued by an ever-growing curiosity, MAKINA utilized its immortality and boundless time to construct advanced machinery and spacecraft, enabling it to traverse between dimensions. Its primary purpose, however, remained making the extermination of lifeforms more efficient. Hence, should you happen to gaze upon the sky and witness a rift in dimensions, prepare yourself for the impending doom brought forth by the heartless, relentless planet executioner and assassin: MAKINA.