Ezzal's Comments

please baby girl

I need you to do this for me, Toyhou.se user NeapolitanStairway. It is very important you do exactly as I tell you to in the order that I list things and everything is going to be alright. If you do this for me I promise you that you and me can be so much more than just watchers of the sunrise and so much more than hands holding a sword. If you do this, I can promise you whatever you are pleading for. Here comes the list, so memorize it and do it exactly as I've written it down. Okay?

-Get a dagger from the sacrificed people in the Lost Lands. Preferably made out of iron.
-Lead someone by using trust, NOT FORCE, to the pole of Ezzalentra, make them hug it.
-Cut my sign over their back then cut their head off.

...And then... Everything is going to be alright... Baby girl.  
