✨ Vaax'kru ✨


Basic Info


The Emperor's Valley


12 ft (366cm)


IV - The Emperor
(  F i r e   E l e m e n t  )thingy.png?width=545&height=663

General Information
The emperor's valley is filled with busy little suit creatures who lives in the homes carved within the walls of the valley. Their lives are always filled with new crafts and new works they love to do (in partial thanks to all the magician's findings). The emperor watches over the valley on a perch at the side of the Valley's stone walls Looking after the creatures.

Though, recently, the emperor has been noticing that his residing creatures and the ones of the empress have been slowly dissappearing one by one..... the emperor usually never worries about it because its normal for these creatures to take a while for their travels..... but its been many moons and days now and still no sign of them. He suspects the devil is behind this but has no proof yet other than his and the empress' gut feelings.

The EmpressAcquaintances
The Emperor and Empress have both mutually agreed to supply each other's domain's, the Empress grows and provides them with the raw materials they need and the Emperor crafts these things and sends some back. Both their domains live in quiet peaceful symbiotic relationship.
The DevilTreats him like the bogeymanThe Emperor knows that the devil has been trapping some of his students for a while now as there have now been empty homes withing the valley, because their owners never came back. He knows that they've fallen for the Devil's traps but unfortunately he does not know where to find them or even begin to even look for them. Only the devil knows where they all are but there was no way they were gonna tell him where they were. He can only hope that he's taught the other residing suit creatures well enough to not fall for the Devil's temptations. 

> When the Emperor has a clear image in mind of what he or the suit creature wants, he strikes the marble walls of his valley and whatever he thought of carves itself out of the walls. that's how most of the little suit creature's homes were built into the valley.
(Basically the emperor does this)
>The Emperor also has extreme heat resistance, lava will not hurt him and is why he's able to work with hot molten metal with his bare hands
>Has sets of jagged and sharp teeth under all that hair, though its rarely ever seen since it only becomes visible when the emperor gets extremely angry.
>Huge crafts nerd. Has too many hobbies, he's just like me fr fr.😭
>Him and the Empress were lowkey given a little bit of ancient egyptian art influences for a reason I may have forgotten 😅; The Emperor has 3 golden ankhs all over his arms.
>He owns a shepherd's crook.