


6 years, 2 months ago



Vorchel Palomo
Marigma (Kanohi)
February 22
5'8" or 172.72 cm
Panromantic, pansexual
Neutral Good


Chel is a cheery individual whose overconfidence gets her into trouble quite often. She is proficient in combat, although her fighting style is almost reckless. Chel also tends to playfully taunt others, in and out of combat. She tends to show her affection via friendly verbal jabs and has a casual speech mannerism.

She is a devoted mercenary and is one of the top members in the mercenary group known as The Flock.

Chel has a hard time letting go of things and has trouble accepting the worst that happens. She is deeply hurt when she gets betrayed and when she realizes that someone has been taking advantage of her kindness.


Chel has light skin, large black wings, sable black eyes, and long, silvery hair with dyed dark blue tips. She occasionally wears a headband, which is black and sports a gold four-pointed star on each side. Her hair is parted on both sides of her face, with three large strands hanging down on her left while a shorter, smaller one is on the right. One of the large strands on her left rests on her shoulder, curving upwards. She has a dark navy blue marking on the left side of her face, which is shaped like a combination of an upturned crescent connected to the main section of a question mark. The upper part of the crescent extends a bit past her eyebrow, while the lower extends partially down her eyelid. The left edge of the question mark shape extends from the outer corner of her eye and down her cheek.

Chel wears a long slate blue tailcoat with a hole cut out for her wings on the back. Her coat has a black border along the edges of the roughly lightning bolt shaped lapels, down the front, and along the edges of the lower section and back, where the outline is notably thicker. The front of her coat parts to both sides below her belt, resembling an m-shape. There are two thick black bands on the lower half of the sleeves. Her pants are simple, grayish-blue, and have pockets on the sides. Her shirt is the same color as her pants and does not expose her cleavage. Chel has slate blue boots that resemble pirate boots, with two black straps and two blue buckles on each along with black soles. She does not wear any accessories other than three blue earrings, two which are worn on her left ear while the remaining one is on her right ear.

She has large, black wings (with a hint of blue) that somehow allow her to fly.


Chel has wings that somehow allow her to fly. Marigmae that have wings are noticeably speedier and stronger than other individuals in the species, but the trait is exceptionally rare for unknown reasons.

Chel wields her personal sword which is named Vaalkeins. Her fighting style is unorthodox, eccentric, and borderline reckless, which is stereotypical among Kanohis. She is mostly self-taught, and her attacks tend to center on fast and large sweeping strikes that hit hard. Such attacks would normally be energy-consuming to many, but Chel doesn’t show any signs of exhaustion when and after executing a flurry of these attacks. Due to the nature of her style, many get caught off-guard, but it applies to her as well.

Chel is extremely flexible and is able to lie down on her back, although it isn't the most comfortable position.

Marigmae typically live twice as long and thus age slower than humans, so they often look younger than they actually are.

Marigmae possess the ability to teleport. She is able to utilize it in combat, but it often throws her off rhythm.

Marigmae heal significantly faster than humans, but major injuries may result in deformations and/or scars if not treated properly. Marigmae are also highly resistant to substances that can incapacitate typical humans, such as poison or alcohol. They need much higher doses of such substances to have any effect, which can be troublesome for those who need medication such as painkillers, for example.


The Flock [ Mercenary band ]

Chel is an active member of an organized mercenary band known as The Flock. Every member has a nickname or part of their name referring to a bird, and they tend to have an outfit and/or color scheme alluding to the bird they're supposed to be. Most members are Marigmae and are often born into the group.

"I love my duties and I'm one of the top members! Everyone's like a second family to me.

Nodairus [ Significant Other ]

The two manage to hold a strong romantic bond over the years despite being from two different races that both disapprove of the concept of interracial love. She would've married him years ago, but the Tarakonae don't believe in the concept of marriage. Chel frequently visits him in the Tarakonae council while keeping their relationship a secret.

"Who cares about what these other dragons think, I love him! Being from different races shouldn't be a divider.

Sullivan [ Frenemies ]

The two are childhood friends who are both rare winged Marigmae and often held friendly competitions against each other when growing up. They were never extremely close to each other and went in separate paths when they were in their late teens. A few decades have passed, and they have encountered each other again to share their stories.

Now, the two live together because she barged in one day and declared that she lives there now. Knowing what Sull has been through, she keeps him company (much to his distaste) and motivates him to get up and do something. She's actually been trying to help him improve and get his life back together under the disguise of friendly verbal jabs.

"Man, I love pestering him!

"Hmm... y'know, I should really surprise him with something... I've never seen him happy."

Raymond [ Son ]

Raymond is Chel's son, who is a Tarakona.

"He may not be a wielder of a sword, but I still love him! I visit him from time to time.

Vibes [ Daughter ]

Vibes is almost the spitting image of her mother. The two greatly resemble each other and have similar personalities and quirks, however the main difference between them is Vibes' lack of confidence. Vibes mysteriously disappeared before her 17th birthday and her whereabouts are unknown.

"She's almost like me! I don't know where she went, but I hope she's alright.

  • Sparring
  • Wings
  • Bugging Sull
  • Helping others out
  • When she messes up
  • When things don't go as expected
  • Being taken advantage of
  • Bad memories

Additional Quotes

Sull: "Chel, your overconfidence tends to get you into trouble fairly often."

Chel: "Whaat? I'm sure it doesn't!"

"Oh, nonono! You don't have to repay me! I just like seeing people happy. That enough is repayment."

"I will find out if you've been taking advantage of my kindness, and I'll give you a stern talk with Vaalkeins here..."

"Why can't I forget this stupid bad memory?!"


  • Chel's appearance and color scheme is mostly based on a rock dove (pigeon).
  • "Palomo" is an altered version of the word "paloma", which is Spanish for "dove" or "pigeon." However, this specific world doesn't follow real-world customs and the proper pronunciation doesn't apply because the real-life countries and such don't exist.

Design Notes

  • Please use the first image as a reference. Other images in her gallery may have deviants from her official design.
  • You may draw her with or without wings.
  • Her headband is optional.
  • She's typically seen smiling.
  • Don't forget the marking on her face!
  • The color change in her hair is abrupt and isn't very smooth, but feel free to make the color change softer.
  • You may draw her with her S.O. Nodairus, or her frenemy Sullivan.
  • Please don't draw gore, NSFW, shipping with characters other than her S.O., genderbending, or alternate forms (e.g. humanoid as a feral) if such form is not displayed.

profile html by Hukiolukio