
Name: Piranha

(Named after the red bellied piranha, a rainforest river fish famous for their sharp teeth and bright red stomachs)

Nicknames: Anha (pronounced ah-nah), Bitey, and Sharp-tooth

1. Just a shorted version of his name.

2 & 3. Somewhat mean-spirited nicknames given to him in reference to his unusually sharp teeth, and past tendency to bite others when he was just a dragonet (although a habit that he has since grown out of and is now embarrassed by).  Dragons who use it are generally just trying to tease him because his reactions are always very dramatic.

Species: Rain/Sea Hybrid

Color: The colors he is most comfortable in are usually ranges of bright sunset-y reds and oranges, with touches of blue and even green in some places.  The frill along his neck and tail are always a vibrant mixture of blue, green, and yellow, and he is unable to change the colors of those areas.

Patterns: He likes to have a few patches of black scales in certain areas, like down his back, and across the front of his legs.  His stomach is often dotted with little splashes of yellow, and the bioluminescent scales along his face and body are always a light blue.

Eye Color: Light blue

Body Type: Very skinny, but fairly athletic!  He’s also very short.

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Physical Age: 19

Mental Age: Extremely childish... but kind of in a lovable way.

Physical Disabilities: No RainWing venom, and the inability to change his scales in certain areas.  He also cannot breath underwater, and his teeth are unusually sharp for both SeaWings and RainWings.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

Disorders: ADHD

Introvert/Extrovert: Extrovert


-Sticky things


-Aggressive dragons


Personality: Dragons who have not taken the time to get to know him can easily describe him as impulsive, bad mannered, and rebellious, but also up-beat, and they honestly wouldn’t be wrong.  He comes off very strongly to others, so he tends to leave a lasting impression.  He’s generous, ambitious, hard-working, and above all, energetic, and despite his general “watch me run head-first into this wall” attitude, he’s also surprisingly smart, though childish, and really doesn’t like being teased.  He recovers quickly though, and it takes a lot for him to grow resentful towards somebody.




-The (positive) attention of others

-Being with friends




-Having to sit still

-Being indoors


-Sour foods

Occupation: Hunter/Gatherer


-A colorful bandana

-A pouch that wraps over the front of his chest that he uses to carry the fruit he gathers (among other things)

-Two little silver piercings he wears in each ear, each representing one of his close family members, as well as his best friend.


Mother: Okapi

Relationship with them: Extremely close.  He sees her almost every day, and he loves her with everything he has.  She is mostly blind, so he often helps her get around whenever she needs to do something complicated. (She is a RainWing)

Father: Axeli

Relationship with them: Also very close, although they don’t see each other all that much.  Axeli is a nomad, and is currently traveling the globe, but he will occasionally return to the rainforest to see his wife and dragonets. (He is a SeaWing)

Siblings: Iguana

Relationship with them: The two of them aren’t particularly close, as Iguana is a lot less outdoorsy compared to her energetic older brother, but the two of them still care a lot for each other regardless.

Best Friend: Maelstrom

Relationship with them: These two are practically joined at the hip, despite being almost nothing alike.  Maelstrom is a very serious SeaWing with a “no funny business” attitude, and generally cold demeanor.  However, it only makes it all that much more impressive that Piranha is the only dragon alive capable of making him smile, and can even get him to crack a few jokes.  The same works in reverse too, as Maelstrom is one of the few dragons who’s able to get Piranha’s smart side going, and the two of them can talk for hours about things they think are interesting.

Crushes: Toko and Maelstrom

Relationship with them: Piranha can develop crushes extremely easily, although they often don’t really go any farther than simple attraction.  He likes Maelstrom, and has told him before that he’s interested in him, but the two stay platonic because Maelstrom is straight (but Piranha often jokes that the offer is still on the table if he ever changes his mind).  On the flip side, Toko is an old friend he met while on a trip with his dad, but never really saw again after that.

Enemies: Abyss

Relationship with them: Abyss is a creepy little SeaWing who often acts as his father’s second-hand on long journeys.  Piranha can’t explain why, but he just doesn’t trust him.

Mental State: 7/10

Physical Strength: 8/10

Speed: 10/10

Strategy: 2/10

Health: 3/10

Quick Thinking: 5/10

Manipulation: 1/10

Backstory: WIP