Dr. Valo Zero



1 year, 3 months ago


Dr. Valo Zero (giant pacific octopus) is Amphitia’s lead scientist and said to be the most intelligent being in the world, with his extraordinary genius propelling Amphitia into an era of prosperity and technological progress. Due to a lab accident three decades ago, he is contained within a metallic pressure suit to keep him alive, with breathing tubes and wires implanted in his brain and flesh. He sits in a floating chair that also acts as a hospital bed and provides him with energy. Dr. Zero is the Bearer of the Curse of the Cerebral, which gives him the power to possess intelligence far beyond what is naturally possible, at the cost of his sanity. He is unpredictable and insane, but can be affable even to surface dwellers like Alistair and Rhavokk who visited him in his lab in order to stop him from attacking the surface.