Midnight Blue Pearl



1 year, 4 months ago


Midnight blue pearl is a very.. odd pearl to say the least. They are able to see the future through the stars, they walk through the endless infinity of space, viewing each star they come across. Each one showing and whispering the dangers or joys of what the future holds, they hold onto this info and warn gems of dangers through their storytelling.

Many gems find them creepy because of the stories and how they speak, they speak in almost rhymes and their voice and words often have a mysterious tone to them, and their stories are the same. They never seem to talk much unless they are storytelling, but even then they are cryptid with their stories, not explaining things in details, and leaving the gems she tells them too, to figure out the warnings her story tells.

Gems have started to fear that their stories are bad luck, as after they tell them, in the following days or weeks chaos strikes, but alas that is far from the truth, Midnight blue Pearl simply warns them of the dangers, it is not her fault if they can not figure out the warnings in time.

Midnight blue pearl wears a mask, and has a clown/jester like apperance, aligned with stars and wisps, rumors have spread that the crack on their mask that leaks an odd wispy and sparkly magic, was from an accident in space that gave them their weird future abilities in the first place, but no one knows for certain.

Worth: $30