Louie's Comments

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I didn’t see any character that caught my eye, thank you for offering though! I love your art as well!

This character is so pretty! Would anyone outside of fursonas and comforts interest you?

Nobody caught my eye, but I appreciate the offer thank you anyway! :D

Would you possibly ping me for him and Marlin if they ever go ufo? :0

I don't think I'd ever give away Marlin especially or Louie, but if that ever changes. Sure!

Hey! He's up for offers at the moment!
Not sure if I'll give him up but I still wanted to see what I could potentially get!

What’re you most looking for? :0

USD! Though I am really interested in potential character trades recently as well! Art as well!
So honestly a mix of everything, it doesn't need to be all 3 at all!

Everyone here is ufo!! I could Addon art or $15 to anyone you might be interested in :> (depending on worth) 



(art examples) https://toyhou.se/dogsville/art 


None caught my eye unfortunately :( I appreciate the offer though!!