Delilah's Comments

Dell's was always a little different from the other kids, and had an obsession with video games. She would sit for hours on end, playing and replaying her favorite games, trying to figure out every single little secret they had to offer. She loved discovering the hidden easter eggs, and would spend hours researching and exploring the games to find them all. Her love of games led her to become quite good at them, and she was known for her quick reflexes and sharp thinking. She would often challenge her friends to competitions and beat them easily, much to their surprise. But it wasn't just her gaming skills that made Dell's stand out. She was known for her quirky and imaginative personality, often seeing and thinking about things in unique ways. She was always up for an adventure and enjoyed trying new things, pushing the boundaries of what was seen as normal. Dell's passion and dedication to gaming made her a force to be reckoned with, both online and amongst her friends. Everyone knew that when  Dell's got on , it was going to be an intense game. And for Dell's all that mattered was that she had fun.

Your WTA entry is good. But can you favorite someone in this tag, if you haven't already? I'll send Dell over once you do that!

Thanks so much! I faved Jesse

You're welcome! I'll be sending Dell over right now!