[ROTG] Nacht



1 year, 4 months ago




A painting of Nacht

Name Nacht

Pronouns He / It

Orientation Unknown

Species Nightmare

Alignment Unknown Neutral Evil?

Theme info

A Nightmare who has gained more sentience than the rest of the herd. Within this sentience he desired to be known as his own thing, and not just ‘another Nightmare’, thus developing his sprite like form.
He has taken a liking to humanity, they’re strange but interesting, especially with the behaviour of teens. He still needs to feed off of people’s fear to survive, but ensures not to push it too far as to not harm those he’s feeding from.

They’ve been taught how to speak, English, but it’s still hard for them to wrap their head around. Due to it being their second language it’s also not where his mind goes for communication, especially in a rush. One of the main ways it communicates with other beings when needed, is that it can loosen some of it’s Nightmare Sand from his form, creating ‘pictures’ to dictate what it’s trying to say.

Design Notes

In general, as long as he mostly resembles it's references, I don't mind some creative freedom when it comes to drawing him. Reference for his main form. Here are some specific rules / things to keep in mind when it comes to drawing it. In general as well, if I don't request which form to draw him in, I'd prefer it be his main over normal form. Reference for his normal form.[TBA]

Colours don't have to be exact or colour picked, but he is a darker grey in most areas, so don't make him really pale or different colours.
None of it's flesh is pink, it also does not 'bleed'.
Colour gradients should be 'grainy' and have a slight texture to it and not be a smooth transition.
Can be drawn in other outfits, and these can be in colour. Ask me first if you want to put it in a different outfit.

His Origin

Nacht broke away from Pitch, the Nightmare King, just after the confrontation with Jack in the Antarctic, as a bad feeling grew in his chest about how everything was going down. It could also taste the beginning of the fear that was building up in Pitch about what could happen now that Jack was firmly against him. Not something the Nightmare King would admit he was beginning to feel, but also not something that he could truly hide from the Nightmares.
Not the only one who broke free from Pitch at this point, but one of the only ones who stayed away even after Pitch tried to call them all back for the final confrontation, it ached for it to ignore the call, but he didn’t want to give up on the freedom he was now tasting.
It had to lay low for a couple of years, leading towards a rather desperate hunger growing inside of him, he’d not been keeping up with his feedings; but he feared that this would call the dream sand towards him and he’d be gone. He saw a few of the others be taken and it terrified it. It liked to be alive and finding out new things that he can do with his life that wasn’t just being at the Nightmare King’s beck and call.

Finally, one day it snapped, too hungry & desperate, almost driven mad with it’s own hunger and not wanting to starve. It fed upon a group of nature sprites, digging so deep into their memories and feelings to feed from their nightmares that he nearly drove one of them mad. This left him feeling guilt ridden, never wanting to go that far again, not in the slightest. The guilt still eats him up, and sometimes it has it’s own Nightmares about the events.
In time, it began to want more again, test his own abilities to shapeshift alone, in general test what he can do alone without someone or a group telling him what he should do and how. It also desired a way to be considered less suspicious, wanting something that didn’t scream Nightmare quite as badly as just being a Nightmare does. It managed, after many attempts and exhaustion, to settle on a Sprite like form, trying now to use it as much as possible so that his body will settle into using that whenever he runs out of energy and has to sleep.

Still, needing to feed and afraid of Sandy and his dreams, it made sure to take little but often from small fears that wouldn’t raise alarms that they’d been touched by a Nightmare. Using many sources and trying to not stick to the same area for too long, to try and keep himself hidden.
Now it has been 15 years and Nacht really wants to work out his place in the world.


The Past

While trying to lay low, it began to focus his feeding habits on different types of people. Children are clearly the Guardian’s domain, so avoiding them as much as possible should alarm them as little as possible. One of the groups that he found especially helpful to feed from was teenagers from around the age of 15 and older. There’s just such a wide range of fears within them, most of which are small, so not enough to alarm them, but enough for him to be comfortable. It also means that it does not over indulge, not again, never again.
One of the first teens that he went to, that really stood out to him about how useful they could be in his need to feed. Was a Jamie Bennett, he had no idea who he was, of his importance when he first began to feed, it didn’t take him long until he discovered it anyway. More nightmares than he could have expected came out of the child, even stronger than he hoped for, Nacht managed to pull itself out of it before he could over indulge or hurt the teen. While flooded with this guilt, he accidently awoke Jamie. He wanted to comfort the boy, tell him he was sorry, but knew that would both be dangerous and do the opposite, so instead he just fled.
He couldn’t help it, and continued to return over the next couple of years, feeding off of the fear that was already there at the surface and not delving any deeper, refusing to add to it at all. It didn’t feel to bad doing this, there was so much fear in the boy, it was helpful that he was removing some of it. Eventually, it returns in it’s new Sprite form, and settles down into the shadows like it has every other night since it first started visiting.

What Nacht didn’t realise, was that Jamie had actually noticed the nightmares arrival that very first night. That first time scared him, riling up more fear within him, and he dreaded when he came the second time. However, once the teen realised that all he was doing, was remove the surface level fear, that he felt calmer and better after every time he visited.
So that night he noticed the arrival, and awoke, expecting to see the normal horse shape just visible within the shadows. The sight of a more human shape however, panicked him, he flung the lights on, scaring Nacht and causing him to shift back.
After a brief few minutes of panic from Jamie, he managed to calm both himself down and then Nacht, calling it back before he fled. It’s still the same Nightmare it always has been, and he doesn’t mind him visiting.

Eventually, Jamie started to invite Nacht over, both more times then he previously visited, but also during empty afternoons to just, spend time with the Nightmare and learn about it. He is the one who decided to help Nacht to learn how to speak English, he knows the other is rather stilted and struggles a lot, but also that he’s trying for his sake. Jamie just makes sure to encourage it to keep trying.

To the Present

At this present, 15 years after Pitch’s last defeat, and 5 years after Jamie and Nacht first truly begun their communications. Jamie wants Nacht to meet the other important people in his life, the other believes, and especially his sister.
Nacht knows how important Sophie is to Jamie, so understands why he wants it to meet her, but also knows how close the young lady is to Bunny. Jamie may be basically ignoring the fact that Nacht is a Nightmare, but there is no way that she will feel the same way about it.

Eventually, Nacht caves in and agrees to meet her, with Jamie’s word & promise that Sophie won’t be able to do anything that will hurt him. It feels sick about all of this, nervous and his own fear building up and bubbling in his own gut, but cares and trusts Jamie’s words and ideas.
So, Jamie arranges a meeting between them all, Nacht will visible to her, unless if he really wants not to be, Jamie knows she’s had nightmares, not to mention the fact she’s a believer. He may be able to hide himself, but with her true believer status, it’s harder for it to hide from her.
Link to the rest of the plot.

Personal Life

Curious, Friendly, Kind Reclusive, Headstrong, Nosy







Still trying to work out who it is.

Nacht is curious and is trying it’s hardest to learn and develop, trying to work out where he can fit in the world that doesn’t like what he is at the core.
He doesn’t feel too much guilt over feeding and giving things nightmares, he needs it to survive, as long as he doesn’t truly heart the person, it feels little guilt, fear can be helpful in his experience. Though he does try to ensure to not over feed, more so that it can cause itself to be caught easier then feeling bad for those it's feeding off of.
The only person he has ever felt guilt for feeding off of is the sprite that it nearly drove mad. Though it's not really off of his own guilt, more fear about being caught as well as how confused he is that a creature could contain that much fear and just shove it down, not using or harnessing it in anyway.

Jamie is helping it work out who he is, and with this Nacht's own personlity is changing and growing as he changes and grows like a person. Though there are still some core personalities within it, that he knows no matter what, he can't change.


Caption here with a link.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa.
  • Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.
  • Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa.
  • Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.
  • Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui.


  • He greatly enjoys the time he spends with Jamie, but has grown a little worried about the fact that Jamie wants to try and introduce him to the other believers. Especially, his sister who he’s very close with.
    Nacht knows how risky this is, they just have to suggest the wrong thing and they’ll be dragged back into the singularity of the dream sand.
    Jamie isn’t naïve, he knows this is dangerous, but wants his friends to know his other friend.
  • It, in the few times it’s been able to actually sleep since it became its own, has begun to suffer from some of its own nightmares. It feels very odd about these, the fear both affects him negatively but also sustains his hunger.
  • Has very mixed & strange opinions on Pitch, it knows he will feel compelled to re-join him if Pitch tried to resummon him as the Nightmare King. However, Nacht knows better then any of the others, that Pitch has also been used by the Nightmare Collective and Shadows.
  • Due to being made out of Nightmare Sand, technically all of his body has a slight sandy texture to it. This is most obvious towards the end of things, such as it's hair and cloths.
  • Their cloths are also made out of this as well, which means when he loses focus on them, they gain a sandy ending to them. This means that there clothing is also a dark grey-black, though different from how exactly his skin appears.
    However, there are some elements of sand gold to him, especially his necktie where it’s most obvious. He assumes that this is due to the dream sand that it technically came from, but it’s not too sure and doesn’t really want to pry into why, that idea scares him slightly.


Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.