Elizaberta Lockwood



1 year, 4 months ago


Elizaberta Lockwood
Huntmaster Lockwood.

Full Name
Elizaberta Lockwood
Eliza, Ellie, Lizzie, Liz, Berta, Bertie
Female (she/her)
31 years old
Gilneas City
Dirge of Teldrassil

“Despite all my regrets, I'd still choose you.”

A Gilnean huntmaster turned militant fighter, Elizaberta Lockwood now rides with the Dirge of Teldrassil. She seeks retribution for her people, hoping to find purpose in a world without home.

“In the end, her loyalty was stronger than her hatred.”

Eliza is remarkably outgoing, which occasionally leads her to impulsive decision making and reckless behaviour. She’s exceptionally proud and self-driven, sometimes stubbornly so. Somewhat quick to judge, she can hold a grudge for years. However, the loyalty she holds for those dear to her is immeasurable.


Long walks, horseback riding, Gilnean brandy & herb collecting
Cowardice, destruction of nature, Forsaken & cultists
“The wolf who wields the storm.”


Anir'anath 'Stormsoul' - Sheathed upon Eliza’s back is a Kaldorei blade, elegant yet durable: a gift from an old friend. It glows with a faint yet ethereal flame, illuminating the ancient script carved into its surface.

Lockwood's Rifle - Originally named 'Wolfsbane', Eliza inherited this hunting rifle from her father. Its sturdy Gilnean design serves her in long-distance combat. It packs quite the punch!


Medallion of the Sentinel Owl - Received for logistics and scouting during a campaign against the Horde, Eliza wears this pin with pride.

Kinship Bracelet - Upon her wrist, Eliza wears a woven bracelet of leather and springbloom. The band is alive with pink flowers, decorated with moonstones beads, an Alor'el charm and adnored with hawk feathers and a single crane feather.

Necklace - Eliza wears a velvet necklace adorned with a crystal pendant around her neck.

Herb Pouch - A satchel of herbs is kept buckled to Eliza’s belt. She stores all manner of plants in this pouch, collected on her travels.


  • Demelza (Gilnean horse) - Demelza is Eliza’s loyal mount. A fine Gilnean horse, this mare is always ready for adventure and never shies away from danger.
  • Snowstorm (Gryphon) - Snowstorm is known for her sassy attitude. Despite this, even the most frightful storms do little to deter this gryphon from fulfilling her duties.
  • Sachi & Sumi (Pandaren wolves) - Eliza found Sachi and Sumi in the rolling hills of Pandaria, orphaned and alone. She raised the two cubs, training them to be her loyal hunting hounds.
  • Lura'kal (Nightsaber) - Raised by Eliza after the hunter found him abandoned with a twisted paw, Lura'kal became her new companion.
“Gilneas ain’t the same as it was and neither are you.”

7’5” / 5’7”
Body Type
Skin Tone
Eye Colour
Blue & Green
Hair Colour
Fur Colour
Grey & Cream

Once afflicted by the curse, Eliza became a truly powerful beast; retaining her sinewy physique, she stands at over seven feet tall. Her fur is thick and grey, with hints of copper throughout. The fur on her chest and muzzle is much paler, a warm cream colour that encompasses her underbelly. Coarse and ragged, her hair has been half-tamed into braids that fall upon her shoulders. Beneath her throat, there runs a horizontal scar. A distinct scar can be found on her left forearm and a neat scar scores through her right eyelid.

In her human form, Eliza sports dark brown hair cut just below the shoulder and odd blue-green eyes, something she inherited from her father. She stands slightly taller than the average woman and has a lean build, slender yet sinewed with muscle. Regardless of her form, Eliza’s mismatched eyes are forever unchanged.

“I have already lost two homes. I will not lose another.”

Albert Lockwood †
Beatrice Lockwood †

Born in Gilneas City, Elizaberta Lockwood had a quiet, easy childhood. Having an affluent father, she lived a comfortable life amongst the gentry of Gilneas. From a young age, it was clear that Eliza idolised her father, dreaming of the day she too would become a master huntsman. She spent much of her youth riding horses upon the Headlands, growing to feel most at home when exploring the countryside. When she wasn’t hunting, she would often gather plants and study herbalism, a subject which interested the young lady.

Throughout the many worgen attacks upon Gilneas, Eliza’s father found himself upon the frontlines. Being an experienced hunter, he was well-equipped for the job and took pride to protecting his people. However, his luck would eventually run short; Albert Lockwood was found mauled to death, after becoming overwhelmed by feral worgen whilst defending the wall. This was a devastating loss for Eliza but it would also serve as driving force. She would follow in his footsteps, taking up his gun in service of Gilneas.

During a fateful worgen attack, Eliza was bitten but, unlike her father, she would survive. After becoming subject to the curse, Eliza fled to the Headlands, knowing that that it would only be a matter of time until she became a worgen herself. She remained feral for some time, until she was rescued and her self-control was restored through the Ritual of Balance.

For years after Gilneas fell, Eliza lived in Darnassus as a refugee. She integrated into Kaldorei society and learnt to respect their culture, viewing them as a worthy peoples, after they saved her and so many other Gilneans. Although never very good at archery, she sought training from sentinels to better her hunting abilities and served the people of Teldrassil where she could, as a thanks for her new life. She travelled Azeroth on occasion but never travelled for long, always returning to Darnassus before long.

The Destruction of Teldrassil had a profound effect on Eliza. It was the second home taken from her by the Horde, leaving her with nowhere to live and nobody to turn to. After a short period spent in Stormwind City, Eliza would join the Dirge of Teldrassil, a unit under the Army of the Black Moon. She now travels across Azeroth, seeking her purpose in this world and justice for the people of Teldrassil and Gilneas.

“Despite all my regrets, I'd still choose you.”


Lynerya Raingrove

Significant Other

Elizaberta is in a relationship with Lynerya, a druid and partisan for the Dirge, who she loves deeply.

Sythleas Farstar

Close Friend

Sythleas is one of Eliza's best friends. They share a strong bond, having endured many hardships together during their service with the Dirge.

Vylirion Rimecaller

Friend, Mentor

Despite Vylirion's undead nature, Eliza looks to him as one of her closest friends and holds a great deal of respect for the knight.

Vhaala Blueberry

Friend, 'Sister'

Eliza considers Vhaala to be one of her closest friends; she thinks of her more like a sister than simply a friend.

Ivan Blueberry


Eliza thinks very fondly of Ivan. He remains her good friend following his retirement, after Eliza served under his command for so long.

Lenyssra Duskspyre


Lenyssra was one of Eliza's first friends in the Dirge. They work seemlessly together in battle and get along well when off the field.



Eliza thinks very fondly of Ryan, seeing him as an excellent ally in battle but also as a great friend, especially for his wise advice.

Elrian Silverbear


Since Elrian joined the Dirge, he and Eliza have become good friends. Eliza is very protective of the older kaldorei.

Tessaemay Lunarowl-Manapearl


Eliza is forever grateful to Tessaemay and the Moonrise Hermitage for healing her. She thinks of Tessa as a friend.

Rhydian Thorne

Childhood friend

Rhydian Thorne is one of Eliza's oldest friends, remaining friends despite the years since their youth in Gilneas.

Yier Shatterstring


Yier is Eliza's commander. Although the Harbinger can seem unapproachable, Eliza has a deeply held respect for her.



Despite Sorni's odd demeanour, Eliza gets along well with the artificer. Eliza respects her craft and thinks very highly of her.

Vexila Roth


Vexila is Eliza's newfound arch-enemy. This demonologist has sworn to bring the huntmaster to her end!

Leyaera Castelliane


Eliza considers Leyaera of the Eternal Sisterhood to be a personal rival and the catalyst for her hatred of warlocks.