


1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Height (head to ground)

1.7m / 5'7"

Height (head to tip of tail)

4.1m / 13'5"


Riqa is a snake girl with a particular interest in machinery and tech. She often tinkers with various electronic devices, and has a great amount of knowledge about how many pieces of technology work. She's also surprisingly strong due to working as a mechanic, often needing to lift heavy parts or prop up heavy machinery. 

Riqa is quite daring. Her transition gave her a confidence boost, just from how free she feels. She might be a bit overconfident at times, though; she might think she can take on a challenge she can't. Well, she'd do that before, but now she just does it more. Other than that, she's still how she once was. Kind, caring, and a bit clumsy.

She made himself a pair of cybernetic legs that can fold up out of the way while not in use. This allows her to still slither around when she likes, but the legs allow her to run very quickly and jump surprisingly high.

She has autism. She often stims by rhythmically tapping on things or rhythmically moving the tip of her tail, but may  occasionally stim by flapping her hands, especially when stressed. She also might stim with the fidgets on her hammer (they're meant to be stim toys). She also tends to go nonverbal when stressed. Technology and engineering are hyperfixations of hers. 

She made her hammer herself! Well, aside from the magic stuff. Sharya helped her out with that since Riqa's not that good at it.

She's also made some OCs of her own!