


1 year, 5 months ago





German Shepherd

Belloved Pet


  • Cheerful
  • Optamistic
  • Goofy
  • Puppyish
  • Loving


  • Cardiac and Psychiatric alert and response Service Dog
  • Loves to play with and collect rocks
  • Unicorns are symbolic of her
  • Is best friends with a Plotthound Rottie named Rebel


Dream's human rescued her as a young puppy. She was her human's first dog and they bonded immidiately. They learned a lot together and went on many adventures. Dream's human took her to training classes including general obedience and trick classes. They went for walks all around town and went on multiple hiking adventures. Their bond grew stronger and stronger until they were basically inseperable. Dream gave her human a reason to live when they had lost the will to go on. She became her human's light when it was too dark for them to see anymore and reminded them to enjoy the little things in life.

When Dream was almost two her human became sick with an invisible disorder. Dream was the first to notice and kept a very close watch on her human for a full hour before they had their first episode. Because of Dream's persistence her human was in a safe place when they fainted and was unharmed. Afterwards Dream continued to let her human know ahead of time when they had an episode, even before her human was ever diagnosed. After seeing what Dream could do without any training at all, her human began to encourage and reward her for this. Within another year Dream was a fully trained service dog for both cardiac and psychiatric allert and response. She gave her human their indipendence back when their dissabilities tries to take it away.

Dream almost literally never leaves her human's side now. She takes care of her human by letting them know before they have an episode so that they can get to a safe place. She then will help her human to minimize the symptoms and sometimes prevent them alltogether. She is her human's heart dog and is loved and pampered, if not spoiled.
