


1 year, 8 months ago


Shirubisa comes from a long line of Phoenix monks, those who value knowledge and vow to not let their eyes be tainted by evil, sealing them away forever. But she doesn’t care much for that, oh no. The position of ceremonious, empty martyrdom was forced upon her, why should she have to limit herself? After stealing a treasured crystal ball from the Phoenix clan’s assortment of relics, she ran off and became clanless, keeping up with the war through the crystal ball which she removed her blindfolds to see into. Through this, she would learn of Klereni and her slowly-growing gang of anti-war advocates. With no status left to lose, she would join them and aid them with their efforts to stop the war.

When the war reached its tragic and catastrophic end, she would not grieve the world like the rest of them had. After all, no one in her life had ever been particularly special to her. She much enjoyed watching the trivial arguments and drama the humans would have in the coming era through her prized crystal ball. She seems to think of people as characters to be observed and enjoyed. Perhaps the traditional monk values of respect, manners, and poise didn’t quite make an impression on her.