


1 year, 5 months ago


Cursed to perpetually burn and freeze is definitely a fate most wouldn’t want to fall victim to. Unfortunately for Fenrethi, this is exactly what fate had in store for them. Always the overshadowed sibling of their elder brother, Jubill, they were the scapegoat for everything bad that happened to their family. When Jubill died in battle in the war, their parents were devastated. And in their grief, they looked for someone to blame. Accused of putting a curse on their golden child sibling out of jealousy, Fenrethi would find themself cursed by their own parents as a punishment. Cursed to perpetually freeze and burn for the rest of their days, and never know comfort again.

Though the final attack of the war that wiped all life from the world out of Klereni’s protection range inevitably killed their parents, they were conflicted on how to feel, despite all the emotional and physical pain they had caused Fenrethi. But despite what their parents had done to them, they couldn’t stop Fenrethi from having a happier ending after the war. Liflara would research ways to alleviate some of the pain of their curse, and they would fall in love in the process. They were the first couple to have a child after the war. But still, Fenrethi worries that the claws of their parents still sink deep within them, eons after their demise.