Jupiter's Comments

If you some reason you ever disconnect with this lad and want to sell them, could you please ping me? They're SO COOL!!! 

Sure thing!

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ee thank you!!

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yeah, i flipped my own base and didn't care to fix the signature hehe

GRAHHHHH MY EYEEEESSSS MYYY EEEYEEEESSS (im okay they have been blessed with this design omflgkrmj)

lol i like this comment

my eyes are strong to withstand his brightness 

jokes aside this guy is rlly cool ^_^

lol you must be used to the BRIGHTNESSSSS

and thank you!

i love bright colors teehee

no problem! i love bright characters :D

me too ^_^!


man he be lookin like one of my ocs with all them sparkles and colors tbh LMAOO X'DD

haha right~!



ahaha but srsly, this is such an killer design! Absolutely love how fun & colorful this guy is :DDD

thank you!! <3

This is such a sick design!!! I LOVE space stuff (especially aliens) and these colors are SO COOL!!!

Ty so much!!