Seth Aasimov



6 years, 1 month ago


Age: 36

Gender: Male

Birthday: December 18

Height: 5'4 and angry about it

Sexuality: Gay but picky

Appearance: Brown-barred cream fur, wears mostly black and white (vests, lab coats). Arms are amputated close to the shoulder, but he summons his ghost arms which function similar to those he lost. Left eye and ghost-arm are blue, right are green. 

Song: As I Was Going to St. Clair - Elias and the Error

He’s able to summon his ghostly arms whenever he wants and any length or shape he wants.

Dr. Aasimov was a respected member of the scientific community before he lost his arms. After he lost them he went off the rails, preferring to experiment in fields most scientists considered quack or pseudoscience. He claimed to be able to commune with spirits, and summon ectoplasms and aliens in his hidden laboratory.