


1 year, 3 months ago




Name: Cyrus
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 23.1Ibs / 10.5 kg.
Ability: Fire body - Effect: Contact with the Pokémon may burn the attacker
Held item: None 

Notes: His fire body ability causes his body to become extremely hot when in certain situations such as being anxious or overly happy. This causes other Pokémon to stay clear of him, not wanting to get burnt. 

Move set

-Ember [ Pwr: 40, Acc: 100% ]



-Hot-headed, easily frustrated, and overwhelmed
-Always looks out for his friends and is very protective
-Can see the good in any situation
-Passionate about his beliefs and likes 


-Playing guitar/ guitar in general - Never had his own for long because he always accidentally burns them to ash
-Making up songs and rhymes on the spot
-Spending time with friends - even though he doesn't have many
-Cheri berries- Likes their spicy flavour
-Sunny days


-Thunderstorms - he's scared of them :<
-Rainy days
-When water types spray water on him
-Most sweet foods - Moomoo milk, pokepuffs
-Yelling and overly loud noises
-Seeing others upset/crying


- (Doesn't usually carry things since he burns everything)

Physical appearance

Cyrus looks like any other charcadet but will usually have a few band-aids or scuffs on him from practicing too much. 



Cyrus hatched to his Armarouge and Lucario parents. His parents were loving and treasured him greatly, their fighting spirits manifested in the small pokemon and he strived to become just like them, until Cyrus's parents had to leave to fight in a war. During this time, he was raised in the village nursery, where he burnt his nest several times and was a handful for the caretakers. About two years passed until his parents returned, well one of them. Only cyrus's mother Aster, a Lucario, returned. Cyrus couldn't comprehend the loss at such a young age, but as he aged he struggled greatly with his father's absence. Ignatius, his father, was the one who taught Cyrus how to play guitar and was a big inspiration for him and now his father had gone missing at war, presumably dead. Once it was time for Cyrus to attend school, he flourished in the learning environment, eager to learn everyday.