


1 year, 3 months ago




Name: Honja
Meaning behind name: Honja means 'alone'
Age: 16
Gender: Male they/he
Pokemon: Banette
Height: 3'07"
Weight: 27.6lbs
Ability: Insomnia - Effect: The Pokémon's insomnia prevents it from falling asleep.

Notes: Honja's Insomnia ability never allows him to sleep, causing him to sometimes creepily watch other Pokémon sleep

Move set

-Shadow sneak [ Pwr: 40, Acc: 100% ] 
-Hex [ Pwr: 65, Acc: 100% ]



-Possessive - often comes across as stingy and selfish -Incredibly protective of his mega necklace
-Fears abandonment - Either pushes others away completely or clings to them
-Dissimulate, hides his true feelings
-Prankster - Enjoys messing with other Pokémon


-His necklace
-Dark areas
-Spooky masks
-Night time
-Music - has a very specific taste tho
-Spooky stories - thinks they're funny


-Bright and colourful things
-Overly happy and noisy Pokémon
-Being told what to do
-The cold
-Being ignored
-Being alone in the dark woods



-A simple thread necklace that's wrapped around a Banettite

Physical appearance

Honja looks similar to other Banette's, his eyes are known to become wide and creepy when he's thinking or focusing



Honja was once an immobile plush toy, the plush was brought along everywhere with a child pokemon, experiencing the cheerfulness of the pokemon’s life. One day, the plush toy was left in the forest after a particularly reckless adventure. The young Pokémon never came back for their toy, seemingly having lost it to nature. The plush lay still for what seemed like years, slowly becoming covered in filth, until dark shadows shrouded its fabric body, building itself up into a new shape.

Honja came into the world knowing only hatred and spite for the pokemon who’d left him in the forest because to him he’d been tossed away like unwanted trash. He wandered aimlessly for days until a strange Gengar found him, initially, Honja was defensive and tried to attack the ghost Pokémon, but the Gengar took him in, the two eventually grew a ‘parent child’, the Gengar gave Honja his name and cared for him, however, this only lasted so long before trouble arrived. The Gengar helped lead Honja to a nearby village and before parting ways, gave him a necklace with a mysterious stone attached to it. The villagers had mixed reactions to him at first, with some seeing him as a bad omen. Despite this, Honja was taken in and cared for. 

This Banette has mixed feelings about the village, he wishes that he could live with the mysterious Gengar again, the only Pokémon he ever truly trusted since coming into existence.