Ria Ferngrove



1 year, 4 months ago



Name Ria Ferngrove
Called Ria / Mom / Riri
Age 352
Gender cisgender female
Race Wood Elf
Role Mother
Alignment Lawful Good

Ria is one of my oldest ocs, I've had her since I was around 10. She's a loving soul and the caretaker to many. She's always there to help those in need. She speaks in a soft gentle tone most of the time and gives others comforting energies. She lives in a cottage with her wife Myrona and has recently found her son Levi once again.


  • Nature
  • Gardening
  • Her Wife
  • Baking


  • Her ex husband
  • Rot / Mold
  • Hard to follow recipes
  • Tornados


Ria is a member of a tribe of wood elves in the rural woods away from the cities and towns. She's in her second marriage due to her first husband literally giving their son to Satan. She has two sons and an ex husband, one named Oliver and the other goes by Levi. Levi was the son that was given to Satan after a mistake Arthur, her ex husband, made. Once Oliver grew up and moved out of the house she divorced Arthur immedietly. She hated him for what he did and wanted out of there. She had warned him about magic and it's capabilities, so she felt no pity for him. Her goal was to find her son at this time. She's spent her whole life trying to figure out how to get her son Levi back and eventually gave up after 35 years. Thankfully, they reunited after some time and she got to become the grandmother to Levi's daughter Aries. She's very supportive to her son and grandchildren. She loves them all more than she could put into words.


Thankfully, they reunited after some time and she got to become the grandmother to Levi's daughter Aries. She's very supportive to her son and grandchildren. She loves them all more than she could put into words. She supports her family though everything and couldn't be happier with where shes at now.


Ria is sort've known as the village witch, but she prefers to refer to it as Herbalist. She uses these to cure people all around town. She loves helping others and does this for free since she's able to be stable in her house and such without the extra coin. She's been with Myrona for almost 20 years now. Ria is enthusiastic about the cafe that Mike owns and frequently visits there with her wife while they're on dates. She normally drops off a pastry or two for Mike's family.


Myrona [ Wife ]

Myrona is basically Ria's other half. Even in the very beginning of their designs years ago I had them together. They're 100% relationship goals. They care for eachother and have helped eachother get through life without any problems. Love them both so much.

Levi [Son]

Levi is the son of Ria. He was found by her in the woods and taken into the family without hesitation. They've always had a good relationship, even if seperated for years and years.

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