


1 year, 4 months ago


NAME Pandora
AGE Unknown
SPECIES Madness Kemuchii
GENDER Female presenting doll
HEIGHT 200cm
Residence Rural Gaidinia


"A short quote or desciption can go here. "

disorientating | unusual | mischievious


  • Plasma Ears and Tail
  • Metal frames for legs
  • Human and Spirit form are never seen at the same time


Pandora is a unique being, with the ability to manipulate the minds of others. She was created alongside many other Madness Kemuchiis as a secret experiment by the Madness Deity, Vezet, before the Second Gaidinian War. During the war, Pandora and her fellow Madness Kemuchiis were revealed, and their chaotic nature made them a force to be reckoned with.

Despite her powerful abilities, Pandora is generally considered to be mischievous rather than dangerous. She is usually harmless unless her victim is of particularly weak mental health. Her chaotic combat style often causes chaos on both sides of a battle, not just among opponents. As a result, Vezet still occasionally uses them to create chaos in Gaidinia, but never to do something big or dangerous.

Pandora herself stands at around 200cm and has a tall frame. Her doll body has been mildly modified, and she walks on pointed metal frames from her knees down. She holds her arms and hands in unusual ways and usually has a wide-eyed look, like a deer in headlights. She has been described as unusual and disoriented. Pandora's unique abilities make her a valuable asset to the Madness Deity, but they also make her an outsider in society. Her doll-like body and unusual mannerisms set her apart from others, and her chaotic nature can make her difficult to approach. However, her mischievous nature and harmless demeanour make her more of a curiosity than a threat to others.

Modern Times

In modern times, Pandora lives alone in a rural cottage. She uses her abilities to hunt local animals and forage ingredients to trade in a nearby village. Her interactions with the villagers are limited, but she has slowly been making progress in adjusting to social norms. At first, the villagers were wary of her due to her unusual appearance and reputation as a Madness Kemuchii. However, as they got to know her, they realized that she was harmless and even helpful. She would often trade her unique finds with the villagers, such as rare herbs and mushrooms, in exchange for goods that she couldn't obtain on her own. Despite her small interactions with the villagers, Pandora still struggled to fit in. Her doll-like body and unusual mannerisms set her apart from others, and her chaotic nature could make her difficult to approach. However, she was slowly learning to adjust and become more comfortable in social situations.

An old friend, Tharja, occasionally pays a visit, which are a welcome break from Pandora's solitude. Tharja would bring modern goods and updates from the outside world, which helped Pandora stay connected to the larger society. Tharja brings modern goods and general life updates to help Pandora adjust to society. Tharja's visits are important to Pandora, as they provide a sense of connection to the outside world.

As time went on, Pandora's interactions with the villagers became more frequent and natural. She began to understand social norms and expectations, and she even developed a small group of friends. They would often invite her to local events, such as festivals and celebrations, where she could interact with others in a more relaxed setting. Despite the progress that Pandora had made, she still faced challenges in integrating fully into society. Her abilities as a Madness Kemuchii made her an outsider, and some villagers still viewed her with suspicion. However, with the help of her friends and Tharja, she was determined to continue learning and adapting.
