Albert's Comments

oh my gosh i love  them i can offer anyone from here:

or art if that interests you : 

or DA points if you use those :o

how many DA points?

what’s their worth ? :o


i have 1013 DA points, if youre looking for more maybe i can do add on ? 

I can do 1013 pts and some art addon, can you do a shaded fullbody of my crazy lookin shrimp kid? He is missing his LEFT ARM and his "aura" floats around his head

3 Replies

offering chara here !  multiple is okay :]

i can do plush, smoodra, stardust and ufo! multiple or just the one(s) you prefer :]

I'm sorry I'm not understanding what you're saying? Could you restate your last message? <:)

sorry but no

slithers up like a leech from a bog

stealing all of ur tbs off u 💔 i can accept if that's ok! will send em over :D


they don't have a TH tho so uh

ITS ALR! ill make em one lol, tysm!