Edward Hyde



1 year, 5 months ago


Edward Hyde
Male (Genderqueer)



Certified FREAK- 7 Days a week

Hyde is a character designed by my friend Zephergoat for our comic Cryptid College; a comedy based modern story focused around parodies of classic gothic lit monsters and/or cryptids attending a college designed to teach them how to be monsters. He is based off Mr. Edward Hyde from Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; and, much like his book counterpart, he is the unhinged embodiment of all of Jekyll's repressed thoughts. The Crypt Creek University's student body is...generally lax to say the least about stuff like *murder* so, Hyde is not quite as actively violent as his book counterpart. Instead, Cryptid College's Hyde is much more on the freedom of expression side of things, he is completely confident, open, and LOUD about his sexual desires, he never masks anymore, he dresses however he wants, and he just acts like as much of a little freak as he wants.



Edward Hyde is the unrepressed, unmasked, unencumbered by life and its social expetations version of Henry Jekyll. He completely ignores his past and his upbringing and coudln't give two shits about what people think about him. He's often loud and innapropriate, yelling out the first thing to come to his mind without thinking twice. He loves partying, drinking, sex, etc. and is pretty much living his best early 20s college student first-time-away-from-parents party life.
- He could have his memories completely lucid with Jekyll if he wanted, he remembers everything from their first memory to the day Hyde himself was created and has vivid memory of pleasent events of Jekyll's current life, but he chooses to repress other current memories in favor of the ability to be completely free from that sad little life to indulge himself in pleasure. He hated being Jekyll a lot.
- Although he is often seen as a happier version of Jekyll, he also expriences other emotions at higher levels- being prone to outward outburts and meltdowns when overwhelmed.

  • Chemistry
  • Gender non-comformity
  • The Phantom of the Opera....(The in universe guy not the show)
  • Water/wet or slimy textures
  • Victor frankenstein and Dorian gray GRRRRRRRR
  • People expressing distaste at his actions



Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde are one in the same; Hyde didn't exist until their sophomore year of college, so Jekyll and Hyde's backstories are one in the same as well. Jekyll was born in the year 20-- in London as an heir to a prestigious family fortune, his father was CEO an incredbly successful big name pharmaceutical company that had been passed down in their family for multiple generations, and his mother was an actress who's career kept their family in the public eye. They raised young Jekyll in an enviornment of strict religous belief and conservatism, and instilled a sense in Henry that reputation and societal standing are the most important things one has and if he wasn't viewed as perfect, if he made one tiny mistake that the public got their eye on, he would ruin himself and his entire family. As such, even as a child, Jekyll held unwaivering intense feelings of guilt, shame, and fear of himself and his actions. These feelings worsened as he aged, as he began to notice his struggles with socializing and acting proper around others, as the bright lights and crowded spaces of his mother's film shoots began to make him feel physically ill, as his confidence in chemistry would waver and his hands would shake fearing he'd make even a small mistake in the formula when his father would force him to study, as he'd cover his ears and squeeze his eyes shut and try to quiet his anxious breaths whenever some fresh news about his family leaked its way onto some tabloid or celebrity drama televison program; fearing this time it'd be about him and what a miserable wretch he really was... the feelings especially worsened when he realized he was queer. One of the only saving graces of his lonely upbringing were Stephen Poole, the family maid's son who lived with the Jekylls and acted as an older brother to Henry; playing games with him, providing comfort when needed, and protecting him with a fierce love he often felt undeserving of. There was also of course Gabriel John Utterson, a boy Jekyll met in preparatory school who became his closest friend and whom he holds great adoration for.


After a life time of stress amplified by his self isolation and realisation of the possiblities presented by his exposure to the supernatual, Jekyll snapped and created a disguise he named Edward Hyde, who would allow him to act on desires he'd repressed his entire life to keep up appearances without being recognized as himself, while ALSO publicly live in a way he deemed acceptable whenever he returned to his Jekyll form. And this worked great! For about three days straight as Hyde before Jekyll was forcibly returned to his normal form and became so paranoid at the thought that someone would discover HE was Edward Hyde that he attempted to destroy Hyde entirely. This, unfortunely for him,only resulted in Jekyll THINKING he'd gotten rid of his alter ego. Edward Hyde was permanently a part of him, his efforts with the potion only causing Hyde to now present as a version of Jekyll similar to a state of black-out drunkeness, where Hyde acts in a state where all Jekyll's inhabitions and anxieties are gone, but Jekyll returns from his state unable to rememeber his escapades as Hyde.

Currently free to do whatever the hell he wants as Hyde he spends most of his nights out partying, drinking,saying anything that comes to his mind and indulging his every whim and unrespectable desire. He doesn't let shame or sociatal expetations get to him in the slightest, if he likes something and wants to do it he is DOING it and not a person or thing in this world can stop him,consequences don't even cross his mind. He is unabashedly open about his queerness and is in a long-term relationship with Adam, Frankenstein's monster.


"[Quote TBD]"

Adam is Hyde's boyfriend. They met shortly after Hyde was formed and Hyde immediately decided Adam was incredibly attractive and HAD to become his boyfriend at that very second, just latched onto him and refused to let go. They ended up hooking up the same night. They've been dating for almost 2 years now and given that Adam was created 4 years ago and Hyde 2, that is a pretty substainial amount of time. They adore each other, Hyde loves Adam's cool/calm personality and openness to -often encouragment- of Hyde's strange litle desires, and Adam loves Hyde's vibrant personality and large displays of affection. Adam will often calm Hyde down when he gets too overwhelmed or angry, but will encourage him to act out on his desires as long as they aren't hurting him, and Hyde will be inredibly affectionate and supportive of Adam, ensuring he never feels unloved or alone.


Jekyll and Hyde are the same person. Their relationship is...Rocky at best. Jekyll HATES Hyde, finding him to be disgusting, perverted, and a manifestation of thoughts that were never meant to be seen by the public eye. Hyde just wants to let loose and have FUN,forget his life as that unhappy Henry Jekyll! Give into his deepest desires and finally experience some PLEASURE, baby! In all senses of the word ;) ...Jekyll may want to make sure he's up to date on his shots.

"Mr. Hyde, I think? I am an old friend of Jekyll's."

Utterson had no idea Hyde existed for some time, and when he does find out about Hyde without knowing he's Jekyll he obsessively tracks his every move thinking he's out to harm Jekyll in some way. Without spoiling too much Hyde and Utterson start dating some time after Utterson starts dating Jekyll, and he enjoys Hyde's openness and love of life, he finds him very fun.(Hyde is dating both Adam AND Utterson, for clarification)

"Oh please, you're still the kid I've known my entire life, no matter what."

When Poole first meets Hyde, he has absolutely no clue that he and Jekyll are the same person but upon meeting him Poole feels - mixed with the supernatural hatred that all humans feel towards Hyde upon first seeing him- a strange sense of recognition, though he struggles to place where he may have seen him before some of his mannerisims seem subconiously familiar. When Poole eventually finds out Hyde and Jekyll are the same person, he LOVES Hyde, he reminds him of how Jekyll would act sometimes when they were kids. He likes being able to see a version of Jekyll that's happy and unencumbered by life, being one of the only people to know the full extent of Jekyll's childhood and family pressures. Poole's still protective of him, which is now an annoyance to Hyde as he just wants to have fun and do as he pleases.

  • Has the exact same level of intelligence as Jekyll, and still greatly enjoys chemistry. It's mentioned that he still does his own experiments when not with Adam or partying
  • Describes his type specifically as "Stoic dark haired men with no smile"
  • His hair isn't dyed- during the transformation the gray parts of Jekylls hair just turned pink.
  • REFUSES to bathe because he hates touching water, he stinks.
  • The potion causes him to have heightened adrenaline at all times, so his pain tolerance is VERY high.
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