Babygirl von Pourrise (Cult of Xexdite)



located in a baroque castle on a plateau of Mt Pourrise in central Pastischen. quietly "founded" by Ana Battle sometime in the late 1500s in an abandoned castle and surrounding area, it did not rise to the public eye until the more recent 1980s when someone made claims of cultlike behavior. it underwent scrutiny and multiple attempts have been made to infiltrate the cult to no avail. they simply weren't harming anyone (outside their own) and minded to themselves so greater government didn't have reason to look into it. locals still suspected they were up to no good, and every once in a while the media ran an article or two about the "cult of mt pourrise" their base beliefs have to do with worship of and attention to xexdite, a deity of song and silk. minimal offerings involve song of sorts, various instruments. dawn, when the birds awaken, is when the cult gathers together for their daily concerts, but most worship happens one-on-one with xexdite, who is not actually respondent. there are two "symphonies" each year, summer and winter. at winter, the seventh-born turning sixteen in the calendar year is sacrificed by way of removal and preservation of their vocal cords. this is chosen at birth. children are taught that death is merely a phasing away and that it is almost a good thing-- sacrificial lambs are always eager to go, as it is a huge deal and an honor. the living situation is generally such of a commune. children in a year are grouped once out of being breastfed and distributed to housing units that are run by two adults (no matter the gender). each housing unit eventually gets 2-3 children of varying ages. those in the same housing unit are considered related, but it is acceptable to have romantic relationships outside of them, as most mothers only have one child a year. at sixteen, children -> adults and are paired for their own housing units, but they do not receive children until they are twenty-one. members of the cult are "assigned" their occupation based on their skills, but their preferences are taken into consideration. certain occupations include: childcare, priest(ess)hood, working with the garden, hunting for meat, preparing food, bookkeeping, cleaning, and birthgiving, to say a few. typically a member is not assigned to motherhood without consent, but there have been issues in the past. in order to prevent inbreeding, it's not uncommon for birthgivers to be a part of a ritual to mate with freshly-summoned demons. this is why the population of the cult is primarily elves, humans, and tieflings. members of the cult are allowed to date, though reproduction is forbidden. at eighteen, people of all sexes are sterilized through another ritual, this time with magic involved to avoid pain. sex itself is not banned, but it is frowned upon until one is unable to have children. the cult, while generally self-sufficient, is not above descending the mountain for supplies they cannot conjure on their own. only a select few members do this, though. that is basically the extent of their journeys outward, though they do live under the law of Pastischen, so they have contact with emissaries of the government. they don't pay taxes bc they're a religious organization! at a certain old age, dowsed by priest(ess)s, the members are killed ritualistically, this time via poison. they sing until they can no longer do so, and then their bodies are burnt on a pyre, the ashes scattered in the next windy day. this age depends on the race of the person (humans live shorter lives than elves, for example) but, just as sacrifice, it is considered an honor to pass through to the next plane.